I received this via email from AncestryDNA today:
"The time has come. This morning, we have launched our new, enhanced DNA matching and the beta for DNA Circles. It is okay to talk and post about it. A couple of quick updates:
"All AncestryDNA customers who had their results prior to today will have their updated DNA matches available on the site. We are in the process of emailing everyone to notify them of the update.
"DNA Circles is the name for what we previously shared as DNA match groups. This is being launched in beta as the technology is still in its early days. The help section of DNA Circles has lots of information on how this works, we’ll also be posting an overview for everyone to read.
"You can download your “old" DNA matches via the settings tab on the DNA homepage. This is only available to people who had results prior to today. From today forward, people only have the “new” matching results.
"What really makes our new matching algorithms powerful is how we have improved the process of phasing with having the database size to cross compare and take a deeper dive into the new discoveries we are making. Check out the white paper for more of the details. It’s available in the help area for DNA matches, click the question mark.
"We are very excited to share this new feature and to see the discoveries that can be made. Send me any feedback you have for us. Blog post on Ancestry to come shortly."
See my blog post First Look at Improved AncestryDNA Matches for my own results.
I found the "White Paper" link - you have to get to it from your AncestryDNA Matches page, it's the Help icon (green question mark) in the upper right-hand corner.
UPDATED: MOre about DNA circles: An AncestrtDNA user can see DNA Circles if they:
* Have an Ancestry.com subscription
* Have a public Ancestry Member Tree linked to AncestryDNA
* Have an Ancestry.com subscription
* Have a public Ancestry Member Tree linked to AncestryDNA
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2014/11/ancestrydna-improvements-description.html
Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver
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