"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
The subject today is the 1803 setting off of the widow's dower in the estate settlement of Simon Gates (1739-1803) of Gardner, Worcester County, Massachusetts in Worcester County Probate File 23252:
The transcription of this part of the Administration is:
[image 82, starting about 4/5 of the way down the page]
We then Set Off to Susanna Gates the
Widow of the Said Deceased, for her
Dower or thirds thereof One half of
the New Dwelling House it being
the South Eastwardly front room the
Westwardly half of the Chambers the north
Half of the Cellar and one half of
the Kitchen Cheas room Dressers in the Kitchen
front enery and Bakers hole in
Common and Undevided with the Other Half
the Chamber and Down Celler and to
their parts from time to time and
at all times forever as Occasion May
or shall require.
[image 83 of 1069]
Also the Westwardly part of the
Barns as followeth (viz) The West Shed
the West hold and Scafold the West
Thrashing floor and the priviledges above
And the west half of the Bay
adjoining said Thrashing floor it being
to the Cross timbers in said bay and
the Westwardly Half of the Cowyard.
The Ground on Which the barn As Sett
off to the Widows lands and Cowyard
to be Considered as a privilede for
said dower so long as the now barn Stands
and no longer and then to be the
property of the remaining two thirds.
However reserving a priviledge to
the two thirds for bringing in hay or
Other fodder into said floor way for
filling the Scafold front of said bay as oc-
casion Shall or may require.
Also we Set off to said Susanna
thirty four Acres in two pieces in
the home farm Bounded as followeth.
One piece of of Mowing Plowing
Pasturing and Woodland and the New
house Standing on the same bounded
as followeth beginning at a Stake
and Stones at the Southeast Corner of Josiah
Kendalls land thence runing North
Eighty Seven degrees forty five Minutes
East Nineteen rods one link by a
town way to a Stake and Stones at the
End of a Lane two rods wide which is
Left to be in Common with the other
two thirds and for the use of both
parties thence Due North forty four
rods ^by said lane^ to a Stake and
Stones Near the Northwest Corner of the Barn thence
North Seventy two Degrees fifteen
Minutes East two rods thirteen links
to a Stake and Stones by a Wall and
North of said Barn thence North
Two Degrees West ^thirty four rods
eleven links^ by land of the two thirds as the fence now stands to a
Stake and Stones at the Pasture
thence North Seventeen Degrees thirty
Minutes by a bend in a Wall which
Incloseth a field thence North Seventeen
links by said two thirds to a Stake
and Stones thence South Eighty Seven
Degrees thirty two Minutes West
forty two rods and ten links by said two
thirds to a Stake and Stones in
Edward Jackson's line thence South three
Degrees East Sixty Six rods by said
Jackson's land to a Stake and Stones thence
by Josiah Kendalls land to a Stake
and Stones thence ^north^ Nine Degrees forty
five Minutes East Six rods fifteen
links by Said Kendalls land ^to a Stake and Stones^ thence
North Eighty five Degrees East three
rods by said Kendalls land to a
Stake and Stones thence South
Seventeen Degrees East by Said Ken-
dalls land to a Stake and Stones
thence North Eighty five Degrees
East twenty four rods twenty three
links by said Kendalls land
to a Stake and Stones thence ^South^
two Degrees thirty three Minutes
East by said Kendalls land to the
first mentioned Corner bound.
Also the South End of the Orchard
Eastward of said lane bounded
as followeth beginning at a Stake
and Stones Standing on the East
side of Said lane and in Daniel
How's line thence North Eighty Seven
Degrees forty five Minutes East
Eleven rods Eighteen links by said
Hows land to a Stake and Stones
thence North Seven Degrees forty five
Minutes West Eighteen rods to a
Stake and Stones By land of the
two thirds thence South Eighty Eight
Degrees West Nine rods nine-
teen links by land of said two
thirds to a Stake and Stones on the
East side of said Lane thence South
one Degree East Seventeen rods
Eightl inks by said lane to the
first mentioned Corner bound.
Appraised at the Sum of Nine hundred
and Ten Dollars Eighty
three Cents and one third of a Cent. $ 910=83-1/3
[image 84 of 1089]
Brough forward 910=83-1/3
Also another tract of land Called
the Conant Lott
lying in said Gardner Containing
according to the
Deed thirty Acres of Pasturing and
Woodland Butted
and Bounded as followeth (viz)
Begining at a Stake and
Stones the Northeastwardly Corner of
said premises thence
Westwardly by a town way to a Stake
and Stones thence
Southwardly by land of John Pierce
and William Channel land
to a Stake and Stones thence
Eastwardly on ^Town way ?? Teffts land^ said two fourth
thence to the first mentioned Corner
bound appraised at the
Sum of three Hundred and thirty
Dollars $ 330=00
Also one half of a Wall pew Number
fifteen below or on the
lower floor in said Gardner Meeting
House being in Common
with the other two thirds of said
Estate Appraised at the Sum
of Twenty two Dollars $ 22=00
Also one half of the Stable at Said
Meeting house being in
Common and undevided Appraised at
the Sum of Two Dol-
lars and fifty Cents $ 2=50
Amounting in the whole to the Sum of
One Thousand
two hundred Sixty five Dollors
thirty three Cents and
one Third of a Cent $ 1265.33-1/3
The source citation for the setting off of the widow's dower is:
Massachusetts, Worcester County, Probate Files, 1731-1925, Case 23252, Simon Gates Estate, 1803, Setting off of widow's dower; digital images, FamilySearch.org,(https://familysearch.org: accessed 12 August 2014); in "Case no 23243-23330, Gates, Sarah-Gay, William, 1731-1881" (images 82-84 of 1069); original records in Worcester County, Mass. Courthouse.
This is the fifth of several transcriptions from the Estate packet for Simon Gates (1739-1803), my 5th great-grandfather. He died 11 March 1803 in Gardner, Worcester County, Massachusetts.
Widow Susanna Gates received approximately one-third of the total of the real estate ($ 3,796) in the Simon Gates estate, which totaled $ 1,265.33-1/3. It included half of the home farm house, additional home farm land and buildings, and another parcel of land in Gardner, plus one half of the church pew and horse stable at the church. The appraisal of the real estate in thisl ist does not match the real estate values in the Inventory taken earlier.
In the next post, I will transcribe the remainder of this document wherein the appraisers will define the Real Estate, and the money, set off to the children of Simon Gates.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2015/01/amanuensis-monday-post-251-setting-off.html
Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver
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