"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
The subject today is the second part of the 1912 Probate Record of James Richmond (1821-1912) of Putnam, Connecticut:
The transcription of this document is (all handwritten):
[page 567]
In the Court of Probate for the
District of Putnam
Estate of James Richmond late of Putnam
in said district
The subscriber Thomas Richmond
Administrator on the estate of
said deceased, hereby makes return:
That pursuant to the order of said
Court made on the 12th day
of March 1913 allowing six months for
the creditors to exhibit their
claims against said Estate, and
directing notice thereof to be
given, as by said order on record more
fully appears, he gave
public notice of said order, and time
allowed by said Court,
by posting a notice thereof on the sign
post nearest to where
the deceased last dwelt in said town of
Putnam and by
publishing the same in the Windham
County Observer a
newspaper having a circulation in said
Probate District.
And that within said time allowed no
claims were presented
to me.
Thomas Richmond
Administration Account of Thomas
Richmond Administrator
of the Estate of James Richmond late of
Putnam, deceased.
Dr. To amount of inventory 3000.00
“ “ received to
pay expense of settlement 19.50
$ 3019.50
Cr.. By amount paid expenses of
administration, as follows:
Probate fees. 15.00
Publishing Li?i?dation of
Claims 4.50
By amount of estate on hand subject to
mortgages one of $1000 &
$300 3000.00
$ 3019.50
Thomas Richmond Administrator
Subscribed and sworn to the 12th day of Sept. 1913 before me
Attest Edward G Wright Judge
Adjusted, accepted and allowed this
20th day of Sept. 1913
Attest Edward G Wright Judge
To the Probate Court for the District
of Putnam
Estate of James Richmond late of the
Town of Putnam in said
District, deceased.
The subscriber hereby makes return:
that pursuant to the order of said
Court, made on the 13th day
of Sept. 1913 he gave notice that there
would be a hearing on the
allowance of the administrative account
with said Estate at the
[page 568]
Probate Office in Putnam on the 20th day of Sept. 1913 at 2.30 o'clock
in the afternoon by posting a copy of
said order on the sign post nearest
to where deceased dwelt in said Town of
Putnam at least 5 days
before said time assigned.
Thomas Richmond, Administrator
Subscribed and sworn to in open Court,
this 20th day of Sept. A D 1913
before me Attest Edward G Wright Judge
District of Putnam ss.
Probate Court Sept. 20th A D 1913
Return was made that notice had been
given of the time and place
assigned for a hearing on the allowance
of the foregoing administration
account, as directed by this Court, on
the 13th day of Sept. A D 1913
which return this Court finds true.
After a full hearing of all persons
interested in said estate, no one
appearing to object, this Court accepts
said return and allows said account and
orders the same on file
and record. Attest Edward G Wright Judge
The source citation for this record is:
Putnam District, Connecticut, Probate
Records, 1856-1920, Volume 11, Pages 567-568, Administrator's Account
and Return for James Richmond estate; FHL microfilm FHL US/CAN Film
In this record, the Administrator, Thomas Richmond, presented the inventory of the estate including the administration charges, and stated that he had informed the community to present claims against the estate by posting the Court order on a sign post near the deceased's home and in a local newspaper. The Court accepted the administrator's Return.
One thing learned from this document is that there were two mortgages against the property of James Richmond, for the total amount of $1300.
The next action in this estate record will be the distribution of the assets of James Richmond of Putnam, Connecticut.
James Richmond (1821-1912) is my second great-grandfather, and the father of my great-grandfather, Thomas Richmond (1848-1917).
I found this probate record on microfilm at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City on 11 February 2015.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2015/03/amanuensis-monday-post-259-1912-probate.html
Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver
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