CVGS Annual Picnic - June 2015
Brock Home, 4397 Allen School Lane, Bonita, CA
Date: 27 June 2015 11 a.m. PDT
The Chula Vista Genealogy Society invites you to join us at our Annual Picnic. The picnic is in lieu of our monthly Program meeting for June.
The meeting starts at 11 a.m. with a picnic lunch, followed by presentations.
Please register online at if you plan to attend so we can plan for all the fixings! Attendance is free but we ask that you bring a dish for pot luck, perhaps an old family favorite, and a $5 donation per person to cover cost of hot dogs, brats, fixings and beverages furnished by the society. Coordinate your potluck contribution with Jo Ann Bonner (, 421-3628) or Ana Castro (
The theme will be "Coming To America - Immigrant Stories" and will include a large display board with a timeline where you can place a profile form (supplied) of an ancestor to show their place in time. A display table will also be available for you to show family artifacts. Attendees may present their material with explanations and stories.
Parking will be available on the property with assistants to help you park. No need to park on the street. Golf cart service will be available to transport you and your belongings to and from the parking area if needed.
Tacoma, the retired racehorse, will make an appearance so bring your carrots and/or apples and you'll be his friend for life.
In support of the Salvation Army's year-round toy drive, members might also consider bringing a packaged toy to donate."
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