My Hints page tells me that I now have 15,042 Hints connected to persons on my family tree of 42,920 persons. To find how many Hints you have, click on the orange "My Hints" button at the top of the Family Tree opening page. The number of Hints is in parentheses to the right of the Tree name as shown below:
When I look at the Tree, I can see that some of the persons in my tree have Hints (denoted by a number in an orange circle at the top right of a person's icon in the tree). Here is a portion of my tree in my Seaver line:
I clicked on one of my ancestors, Robert Seaver (1702-1752) to see what Hints they have for him. A person summary card opened, with buttons at the bottom for "Their tree," "Profile," "Edit," "Add Media," "Search" and "Hints."
I clicked the orange "Hints" button on the screen above, and saw the list for Robert Seaver:
I clicked on one of the Hints, and the comparison of information in the Hint with the corresponding information in the Tree person profile appeared:
At the bottom of the screen, the blue bar asks "Are these the same people?" with options of "No, reject," "Maybe" and "Yes, next step."
I thought it was the same Robert Seaver, so I clicked on the "Yes, next step" button and had the option to update the tree information with the Hint information:
There are blue "Update" buttons between the Hint information and the tree information. I could choose "Update all" if I chose to. I chose to not update my tree information with the Hint information. If I had, I would need to click on the "Save changes" button in the bottom blue bar.
The blue bar at the bottom of the screen above says "This record has been attached to your tree."
I clicked on the "Save Changes" button and saw the message in the popup window:
I wanted to see if the media item was added to the person profile, so I clicked on the person's name and selected the "Media" button to see the "Media" screen for Robert Seaver:
The record summary was added to the Robert Seaver profile.
The "Profile" page shows me a timeline of events in Robert Seaver's life, a link to "Search records," and al ist of his family relationships (two screens below):
The orange "Hints" circle appear on the other family members also.
This Record Hints system seems to be working pretty well now, and should be helpful to researchers who have a Findmypast account and have created a family tree using a GEDCOM file upload.
I need to start "mining" these Hints for my tree people, especially the ones for English records since I haven't added much content or sourced many of those in my database and I want to do that.
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Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver
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