"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
The subject today is the 1788 deed of Joseph Tripp of Westport, Bristol County, Massachusetts granting land to Jonathan White in Westport, Massachusetts.
The transcription of this deed (the deed on the lower part of the left-hand page) is:
[bottom of page 37]
Know all men by these Presents that I Joseph Tripp of the Town of West Port
in the County of Bristol in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Bay in New England
yeoman, for & in consideration of the Sum of four hundred & fifty pounds lawfull
money to me paid by Jonathan White of the Town of Dartmouth in the County &
Commonwealth aforesaid yeoman, the recept whereof I do acknowlidge
& hereby give grant & convey unto him sd Jonathan White his heirs &
assigns forever. A Certain Tract or parcel of Land Situate in the Town-
ship of Westport aforesaid containing by estimation Seventy four Acres
be it more or less: Butted Bounded & discribed as follows, beginning at a heap
of Stones in the Line between Wesson Kirby & said Joseph Tripp five rods &
Six feet Westerly of a Northwest Corner of said Jonathan Whites homestead
[top of page 38]
And is also a Southwest corner of this said Tract, & also a Southeast corner of
Benja Tripps Lan that he bought of his brother Joseph, thence North Twenty Six
degrees East Sixty one rods to a Wall in the Northerly line of this Tract, thence Easterly
as that Tract line runs to the Southwest corner of a Lot of Land I bought of Joseph
Brownell, thence Northerly in the line of sd Lot of Land to the Northwest corner
thereof, thence in the Northerly line of sd Lot ---- to the Northeast corner thereof
thence Southerly as the line of sd Lot goes until it comes into the Northerly line
of my sd homestead, thence South thirty ^eight^ degrees & half West five rods & seven feet
to the Southwest corner of Benj^a Tripps salt marsh, Thence East thirty eight
Degrees & a half South to the River, thence as the River runs until it comes to
the South Line of this my homestead or the Northerly Line of the Grantees homestead
Farm, thence Westerly as the Line now goes between this said Lot & the Grantees
said homestead until it comes to thefirst mentioned Bound. Otherwise bounded
Southerly part on the Grantees homestead Farm and part on Wesson Kerby, Potter
Farm, Westerly on Land that I Sold to my Brother Banj^a Tripp, Northerly thence
& Westerly on Peleg Brownells Easterly part on sd Brownell, part on Silvanus White
& part on Benjamin Tripp Northerly, thence on Benjamin Tripps Marsh to the
Water, thence Easterly on the Water until it comes to sd Whites sd homestead.
To have & to hold the same unto him the said Jonathan White his heirs & assigns
forever, and I do covenant with him sd Jonathan White his heirs & assigns that I
am lawfully Seized in fee simple of the premises (except a Way that my Brother
Benjamin Tripp has through sd Land to the Water) & that I have good right to sell
& convey the same unto him the said Jonathan White his heirs & assigns in manner
above expressed, and that I will Warrant Secure & defend the same unto him the
said Jonathan White his heirs & assigns forever (except as above excepted), and
also the Burying Ground to Bury ou rDead which I reserve as a prevelidge.
Furthermore I do covenant & Grant unto him the said Jonathan White his
heirs & assigns a prevelidge of passing to & from this sd Lot to the highway
through the Land now possessed by Benjamin Tripp, and I Judeth Tripp the wife to
the sd Joseph Tripp so by Virtue of these presents yield up & Surrender all my right
of Dower & power of Thirds in the above demised premises unto him the said
Jonathan White his heirs & assigns forever. In Witness whereof we have here
unto Set our hands & affixed our Seals this Twenty Ninth Day of March annoDo
one Thousand seven hundred & Eighty& Eight.
Joseph Tripp {seal}
Judith X Tripp {seal}
Signed Seal^d & Del^d Bristol Ss Westport June 30th Day 1788 Then the
in presence of within Subscribers Joseph Tripp personally ^appd &^ acknowlidged
Jonathan Sisson the within written Instrument to be his Voluntary
Thos Shearman act & Deed before me William Davis Justice Pacis.
Rec^d April 25th 1789 and Recorded by James Williams, Regr.
The source citation for this land record is:
"Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org : accessed 20 May 2015), Bristol County > Deeds, 1789-1792, Vol. 68-69 > Volume 68, page 37 (image 39 of 596), Joseph Tripp to Jonathan White, dated 29 March 1788, recorded 25 April 1789.
This deed grants 74 acres of land in Dartmouth from Joseph Tripp to Jonathan White, yeoman of Westport, for 450 pounds. The deed provides both metes and bounds and a list of the neighbors.
Jonathan White (1732-1804) is my fifth great-grandfather, married to Abigail Wing (1734-1806), and they are parents of my 4th great-grandfather, Humphrey White (1757-1814).
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2015/06/amanuensis-monday-post-273-1788-deed-of.html
Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver
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