The following databases were added or updated on during the period from 6 September to 12 September 2015:
The databases added or updated include:
* U.S. Casualties From Iraq and Afghanistan Conflicts, 2001-2012, indexed records with no record images, UPDATED 9/11/2015
* Nebraska, Homestead Records, 1861-1936; indexed records with record images, UPDATED 9/11/2015
* Web: Netherlands, Online-Begraafplaatsen, 1800-2014; indexed records with no record images, UPDATED 9/10/2015
* Web: Alachua County, Florida, Cemetery Index, 1820-2013; indexed records with no record images, ADDED 9/10/2015
* Web: Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, Marriage Index, 1829-2015; indexed records with no record images, ADDED 9/10/2015
* Web: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Catholic Archdiocese Burial Index, 1857-2013; indexed records with no record images, ADDED 9/10/2015
* Web: Alberta, Index to Cemeteries, 1823-2013; indexed records with no record images, ADDED 9/10/2015
* Web: US, New England Seamen's Protection Certificate Index, 1796-1871; indexed records with no record images, ADDED 9/10/2015
* Web: Bremen, Germany, Passenger Lists Index, 1907-1939; indexed records with record images, ADDED 9/10/2015
* Sons of the Utah Pioneers, Biography Files (R-Z), 1548-1947; indexed records with no record images, UPDATED 9/10/2015
* Web: Montgomery County, Tennessee, Obituary Collection, 1911-2009; indexed records with no record images, ADDED 9/10/2015
* Web: South Carolina, Wofford College Library Obituary Index, 1837-2008; indexed records with no record images, ADDED 9/10/2015
* Web: Quebec, Canada, Marriage Contract Index, 1761-1941; indexed records with no record images, ADDED 9/10/2015
* Web: Barry County, Michigan, Marriage Index, 1839-2012; indexed records with no record images, ADDED 9/10/2015
* Web: Troy, New York, St Mary's Cemetery Index, 1840 - 2013; indexed records with record images, ADDED 9/10/2015
* Web: California, Slave Era Insurance Policies Index, 1847-1860; indexed records with record images, ADDED 9/10/2015
* U.K., Civil Divorce Records, 1858-1914; indexed records with record images, UPDATED 9/9/2015
* Sons of the Utah Pioneers, Biography Files (H-P), 1548-1947; indexed records with no record images, UPDATED 9/8/2015
* Alabama, Civil War Soldiers, 1860-1865; indexed records with no record images, ADDED 9/8/2015
The recently added and updated page on is at
The complete Card Catalog is at
There were 13 NEW databases ADDED this past week. There are now 32,782 databases available as of 6 September, up 13 from last week.
The URL for this post is:
Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver
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