"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
The subject today is the 1733 marriage contract between Ichabod Kirby (1705-1793) and Rachel Allen in Dartmouth, Massachusetts:
The transcription of this marriage record is (transcribed line-by-line):
Whearas Ichabod Curby the Son of Robert Curby of Dartmouth in the County of Bristol in the
Province of the Massachusets Bay in New England and Rachel Allen the Daughter of Joseph Allen of the Town and County aforesaid, Having Declared their Intentions of taking each other in Marriage before Sea-
verall Publick meetings of the People Called Quakers in Dartmouth aforesd according to the good order used
among them (whose proceedings therein after a deliberate consideration thereof with regard to the Rights our
Lord of God and Example of his people Recorded in the Scriptures of with in that care) were allowed
by the sd meetings they appearing Clear of all others and in the year according to the English account one
thousand Seaven hundred and thirty two or three they the Sd Ichabod Curby and Rachel Allen appeared in a
publick assembly of the abovesd people and others met together for that purpos in their publick meeting
place in Dartmouth aforesd and in a Sollemn manner he the sd Ichabod Curby taking the sd Rachel
Allen by the hand did openly Declare as followeth: Friends, I Desire you to be my witnesses that I take
this my friend Rachel Allen to be my wife promiseing with the Lords assistance to be to her a Loving
Husband until Death Seperate us. And then and there in the sd Assembly the Said Rachel Allen did in
the like manner Declare as followeth Friends I Desire you to be my Witnesses that I take this my friend
Ichabod Curby to be my Husband promiseing with the Lords assistance to be to him a Dutiful Wife until
Death Seperates us.
And the sd Ichabod Curby and Rachel Allen as a further Confirmation thereof did then and there
to these presents Set their hands the young woman according to the Custom of Marriage
Assuming her Husband's Name. Ichabod Cerby
Rachel Cerby
And we whose names are hereunto Subscribed being present among others at the Solemnising of
of their sd Marriage and Subscribtion in manner aforesd as Witnesses have also to these presents
subscribe our names the day and place above written.
John Tucker Susanna Gifford Increas Allen
John Howland Joanna Crane Joseph Allen
Jedidiah Allen Bathsheba Cerby
John Russell Nathaniel Kerby
George Soule
Abraham Tucker
Joseph Tucker
Holder Slocum
Stephen Willcock
Isaac Smith
Richard Crane
Daniel Howland
David Akin
The source citation for this marriage record is:
Ichabod Kirby Family Papers (loose papers on scrapbook page, created after 1801 by unknown persons), digital image of loose papers privately held by Susanne Nisbet, [address for private use], Wake Forest, N.C., 2016 (7th great-grandchild of Ichabod Kirby); Marriage contract of Ichabod Curby and Rachel Allen, 1733; Provenance is David Kirby family of Westport, Mass. ca 1801 to Susanne Nisbet 2016, provided to Randy Seaver March 2016 via email.
The marriage of Ichabod Kirby and Rachel Allen is recorded as 1 March 1732/3 in the Dartmouth, Massachusetts town records and vital record book.
Ichabod and Rachel (Allen) Kirby are my 6th great-grandparents. They had four children between 1734 and 1743. I am descended from their third child, David Kirby (1740-1832) who married Martha Sowle in 1763.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2016/04/amanuensis-monday-post-314-1733.html
Copyright (c) 2016, Randall J. Seaver
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