They just released the Mobile App (see Jamboree 2016: The Mobile App is Here!) and I downloaded it and input my information, then started looking at the speaker schedule.
It was difficult to see the full titles so I went to the SCGS Jamboree Schedule site and made these selections:
1) Friday, 3 June (
8:30 a.m.: FF-E "Why and How to Become a Professional Genealogist" with Jean Wilcox Hibben and Jamie McManus Mayhew.
10:30 a.m.: FF-F "Use Social Media to Benefit Your Society and Your Research" with Randy Seaver.
1:00 pm.: FR009 "Getting Beyond the Bare Bones: Reconstructing Your Ancestors' Lives" with Thomas W. Jones
2:30 p.m.: FR018 "Problems and Pitfalls of a "Reasonably Shallow" Search" with Elissa Scalise Powell
4:00 p.m.: FR025 "Cluster Methodology: A Case Study in Upstate New York" with Karen Mauer Jones
5:30 p.m.: I'll probably miss this session and have dinner.
2) Saturday, 4 June (
8:30 a.m.: SA003 "RootsMagic: Your Home Base for Your Online Research" with Bruce Buzbee
10:00 a.m.: SA018 "Be Your Own Digital Archivist: Preserve Your Research" with Cyndi Ingle
11:30 a.m.: SA027 "Organizing Evidence to Overcome Record Shortages" with Thomas W. Jones
2:00 p.m.: SA029 "Cracking the Case with DNA" with Anna Swayne
3:30 p.m.: SA040 "Abraham's Not There in 1840. How Ohio Land Records Explained a Missing Census Enumeration" with Michael John Neill
5:00 p.m.: Dinner time.
3) Sunday, 5 June (
8:30 a.m.: SU007 "Thinking like Sherlock Holmes: Ways to Analyze Your Genealogy" with Cheri Mello
10:00 a.m.: SU012 "Read 'em or Weep: Promise and Pitfalls in Newspaper OCR" with Mary Kircher Roddy
12:30 p.m.: SU027 "All Aboard: Staying on Track with Your Research" with Barbara M. Randall
2:00 p.m.: SU029 "Presidential Genealogy: The Ordinary Folk of Pennsylvania Avenue" with Rev. David McDonald
3:30 p.m.: We're off for the train station!
So there are 14 time slots I'm planning on attending. Reality sets in, I get tired and sometimes bored, and the exhibit hall beckons like a shiny penny. My goal is to make at least 8 of them! We'll see how I do - I will probably blog about each of the days.
Now I need to use the app and pick out my selected classes. The app has the assigned room while the schedule on the website does not for some reason.
Are you attending the SCGS Genealogy Jamboree? If so, I hope to see you there - in a class, in the Exhibit Hall, in the hotel lobby bloggers area, in the hallways. If you are a genea-blogger, please write about your experiences.
Copyright (c) 2016, Randall J. Seaver
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Great minds must think alike. :) I wrote about Jamboree today, too. I wanted to go last year, but wasn't able to make it. This year, it is a go and I am looking forward to my first Jamboree not at the Pasadena Center. See you there!
Thanks for the heads-up about the app. I just installed it and filled out a schedule. The only problem is that I'm going to need to clone myself, sometimes more than once! to take in all I want to hear. They're having a DNA day, but none of the speakers seem to be covering this most vital of topics. See you in Burbank!
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