"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
The subject today is the will of Benjamin Wing (1644-1718) of Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts.
The transcription of this will and proving article is:
To all People to whome these Presents
Shall Come I Joseph Tripp of Dartmouth in the
County of Bristol in Her Majesties
Province of the Massechusets Bay in New England
hereby manifest and declare that I
being at this time sensible of the Weakness of my bo-
dy and Knowing it is appointed for all
men once to dye, Therefore for the selling & dispos-
ing of my Worldly Estate Do make this
my Last Will and Testament to be of force after my
Imprimus. I Will that after my Decease
my Loving Wife Mehitabel Tripp Shall have five pounds
a year and her diet & House room
dureing her Naturall Life to be duly paid and Performed by
my Executor hereafter named; and also I
Give my loveing ^wife^ all my movables or Personal Estate
that is within my Dewlling house.
Except what I Shall Dispose of in this my last will and
Testament hereafter. Item I Give and
Bequeath unto my Son Peleg Tripp Three shillings
in mony. Item I Give and bequeath unto
my Son Ebenezer Tripp four pounds in mony to be
Paid Two Years after my sd Wifes
deceas. Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Son James Tripp
Four Pounds in mony to be Paid Three
Years after my sd Wifes deceas. Item I Give and Be-
queath unto my Son Abiel Tripp five
Pounds in mony to be ^paid^ four Years after my sd Wifes deceas.
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my son
Daniel ^Tripp^ Twenty Pounds in mony: Ten pounds there-
of to be paid Within One Year after my
deceas & Ten Pounds to be paid five years after
my sd Wifes deceas. Item I Give and
bequeath unto my Daughter Alice Sharman a brass
Chasmdish. Item I Give and bequeath
unto my Daughter Mehetabel Sharman a dutch
Pewter pot or flagen. Item I Give to
my Daughter Mary Wait Two shillings in mony.
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my
Granson Joseph Tripp the son of Jonathan Tripp
Five Pounds in mony. All the sd sums
or Lagacies to be Paid by my Executor hereafter
named. Item I Give and Bequeath unto
my Son Joseph Tripp all that my homested
Lot or farm of layed out Lands where my
house now Standeth both salt marsh & medow
and upland in Dartmouth afore sd
Togather with all the Buildings Gardens orchards
fences Priviledges and Appurtenances to
the same belonging or any wise appertaining With
an Eight Part of a share Priviledge
through the Township of Dartmouth after Eight
Hundred acres is Compleated to own
whole Share And Shall remain unto him my sd Son
Joseph Tripp his heirs and Assigns for
Ever, And also I give my sd Son Joseph Tripp all
my moveables or Personal Estate that is
out of my Dweling house. And for the tru Per-
formance and fulfilling of this my Last
Will and Testament, I do hereby Consititute and appoint
my Well beloved Son Joseph Tripp to be
my whole and sole Executor of this my sd will
and so for him to act and perform as
the Law directs. In Witness Whereof I have here
unto set my hand and seal the Twenty
ninth day of December 1713 one Thousand
Seven hundred and thirteen. { the
word wife in the 8^th line & the word Tripp in the 15 line was
{ before the signing and sealing
Signed sealed published and declared
by the sd Joseph Tripp as his last will
and Testament in presents of us the
subscribers Joseph Tripp
the marke of James x Tripp
George Cadman } Bristol Ss
Jan^y 6^th 1718
John Macomber } Then
before the Hon^ble Natha^l Oaine Esquire Judge of Probate
Probate of wills & granting of Administrations within the
County of Bristol Came James Tripp & John Macomber
Two of the witnesses of the above
written will of Joseph Tripp late of ^dartmouth^ deceased and
sollomly declared that they were
present & ???? saw the sd deceased sign & seal Publish &
Declare the same to be his last will &
that he was of a ??????? mind when he so did & also
that they saw the other witness George
Cadman sign ? ???? them as a witness at the same time.
John Cary Reg^r
Nath^l Paine
The source citation for this record is:
Bristol County [Mass.] Register of Probate, Bristol County (Mass.) Probate Records, 1690-1881, on 351 FHL US/CAN Microfilm rolls; original records at Probate Registry, Taunton, Mass., Joseph Tripp estate file, 1719, accessed on FHL microfilm US/CAN 0,576,809.
There was an inventory in the estate file also, which is difficult to read. On 21 November 1718, a
true inventory of the Estate of Joseph Tripp of Dartmouth deceased
was taken by James Tripp, Nathaniel Potter and Joseph Mosher of
Dartmouth. The housing, lands and meadow were
appraised at £500. The personal estate was valued at £148 7s 9d. The inventory was accepted by the Court
on 2 February 1718/9.
In his will, Joseph Tripp names his wife, Mehitabel Tripp; sons Peleg, Ebenezer, James, Abiel, Daniel and Joseph Tripp; daughters Alice Sharman, Mehitable Sharman and Mary Wait; and grandson Joseph Tripp, son of his son Jonathan Tripp. Joseph and Mehitable (Fish) Tripp had 13 children, but John, Thomas and Jabez are not mentioned in the will, and probably died young.
Joseph Tripp is my 8th great-grandfather. I descend through his daughter, Mary (Tripp) Waite (1689-1754), who married Thomas Waite (1683-1743) in 1711.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2016/07/amanuensis-monday-post-329-will-of.html
Copyright (c) 2016, Randall J. Seaver
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