The snippet of the Brocke family:
The extracted data from this record is:
* Nicholas Brocke - white male, age 25, married, a farmer, born in Va., father born Prusia, mother born Prusia
* Anna Brocke - white, female, age 20, wife, married, keeping house, born Mo., father born unknown, mother born unknown
* John Brocke - white, male, age 2, son, single, born Idaho, father born Va., mother born Mo.
* Frank Brocke - white, male, age 6/12, born Oct., son, single, born Idaho, father born Va., mother born Mo.
The source citation is:
1880 United States Federal Census, Nez Perce County, Idaho, population schedule, Township 37, Enumeration District 23, Page 14 (penned), page 246B (stamped), Dwelling # 178, Family #178, Nicholas Brocke household; digital image, (, citing National Archives Microfilm Publication T9, Roll 173.
The name of the head of household was indexed as Nicholas Brooke, although it looks like Brocke to me. Nicholas and Anna (Grieser) Brocke were my wife's great-grandparents - they have just married in 1877 in Nebraska and have settled in Idaho and started their family. Their fifth child, Amelia Anna Brocke (1884-1975), married Severt Leland in 1904 in Montana, is my wife's paternal grandmother.
Copyright (c) 2016, Randall J. Seaver
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