Wednesday, February 1, 2017

February 1st is #GenealogySelfie Day

On the Geneabloggers blog, Thomas MacEntee reminds us that today is #GenealogySelfie day.  He says:
"Did you even know there was a Genealogy Selfie Day? Well now you do, and thanks to the efforts of the folks at Conference Keeper, it is back for a second year!
"ConferenceKeeper and Geneabloggers have proclaimed February 1st as #GenealogySelfie Day – a day for social folks who love genealogy to snap a picture of themselves and share it on Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter with the hashtag #GenealogySelfie.  It will be fun to put faces to names, and increase the chances of recognizing one another at RootsTech and other upcoming events and conferences."
I remembered, and took several photos of the Chief Genea-Muser in his Genea-Cave where he often is a Genea-Hermit.

I shared the first photo this morning on Twitter and Facebook.  I was even semi-awake, dressed with my hair (?) semi-combed at 8:23 AM this morning.


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1 comment:

Nancy said...

Randy, how many children follow you around thinking you might be Santa? Surely there have been a few!