1) Matt Wright -- Facebook friend, 7th cousin 1x removed, common ancestor is Mary Hubbard (1712-1754).
My line back to Mary Hubbard, wife of Amos Gates, is through her son, Simon Gates (1739-1809). Matt's line is through Isaac Gates (1746-1831). I have Isaac Gates as a son of Amos and Mary (Hubbard) Gates. My judgment is that this relationship is Very Likely.
2) Bonnie Cosgrove - Facebook friend, 8th cousin 2x removed, common ancestor is Isaac Graves (1620-1677).
My line to Isaac Graves goes through Samuel Graves (1655-1723); my documented line says that this Samuel Graves is the son of Thomas Graves (1620-1697) and Hannah (1623-1665) of Lynn, Mass. So I think that the app has my line wrong. Bonnie's line goes through John Graves (1664-1746) of Hatfield, Mass. My judgment is that this relationship is Unlikely.
3) Matthew Deighton -- Facebook friend, 8th cousin 1x removed, common ancestor is Catharina Meyer (1689-1755).
My line to Catharina Meyer goes through my 2nd great-grandfather Devier James Lamphear Smith (1839-1894), who was adopted. My tree reflects the adoptive family lines, not the biological lines. Therefore, my judgment is that this relationship is Wrong.
4) Pam Cooper -- Facebook friend, 8th cousin 1x removed, common ancestor is Abraham Tucker (1653-1723).
My line to Abraham Tucker goes through his daughter Content Tucker (1695-1738) who married Benjamin Wing. Pam's line goes through Abraham's daughter Mary Tucker (1684-1769), who married Joseph Russell. My judgment is that this relationship is Very Likely.
5) Cyndi Henry -- Facebook friend, 9th cousin, common ancestor is William Terrell (1659-1743).
My line to William Terrell goes back to his purported son, John Terrell (1680-1748), who was born and died in Somerset, England. The William Terrell (1659-1743) was an immigrant from England to Virginia, and he apparently did not have a son John born in 1680. So the app added one more generation to my confirmed line. I did not search on Cyndi's line. My judgment is that this relationship is Highly Unlikely.
6) Regina De Leon -- Facebook friend, 9th cousin, common ancestor is William Terrell (1659-1743).
See my discussion above on Cyndi Henry. I did not search on Regina's line. My judgment is that this relationship is Highly Unlikely.
My count is up to 211 famous or Facebook cousins provided by the app. This week, my judgment is that 2 of the 6 cousin relationships are Likely or better.
The app may be right -- I don't know for sure -- and I can't really find out because the app provides no source material to back up their assertions. If there was authoritative information for my end-of-line ancestors, I would add it. None of the "Unlikely" or "Wrong" relationships have been convincing to me yet.
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1 comment:
What can we do to get Ancestry to provide us with the source citations for the matches they are suggesting through the app?
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