Monday, February 19, 2018

Family Tree Maker 2017 News - Free Update is Here!

I received this information from Family Tree Maker over the weekend:


It's been quite a year for us.  The introduction of FTM 2017 made it possible to continue syncing with Ancestry, and brought users color coding, FamilySearch integration, photo repair tools, and the ability to sync multiple FTM trees with a single tree on Ancestry. And now our first printed user guide is shipping and it's time for a free update for FTM 2017 users. So much to tell. Let's get started.


FTM Companioun GuideOn-screen help is nice, but for many FTM users, there's nothing more civilized than a printed user guide you can hold in your hands and browse through over a cup of tea. That's why we started the presses running in Boston, London and Sydney for the FTM 2017 Companion Guide. It's full color and 50% larger than the previous edition (which means a larger text size). And it's not too late to get your copy at a 25% discount - for just $29.95 (25% off the regular price of $39.95). Click here to learn more.


The long-awaited free update has arrived. It's officially version 23.1, and after updating you will have a faster Family Tree Maker that is more forgiving of imperfect trees, and syncs even more reliably. You'll find it much less likely to cower when it encounters interruptions, corrupted images, and other rogue elements. In short, this is the zippiest, sturdiest Family Tree Maker edition we've ever made (and we've been making them for nearly a decade now.)


Weather Icon
While this update is mostly about improving performance and stability, we've managed to squeeze in just a few enhancements. One we think you'll like is the new Sync Weather Report badges we've added to the main window so you won't have to start a sync to know what the sync conditions are like where you live. You'll see the green, orange and red badges right on the Ancestry sync icon all the time. For more about what's in the update, see ABOUT THE FREE UPDATE below.


Two things to know: First, this is not a required update. While we recommend it for all users, if you are happy with the build you have and want to stay with it, you absolutely can. And second, you will be running an updater not an installer. That means when you download and double click it, the updater will look for the first edition released back in July 2017 (build 343, version 23.0) and convert it to version 23.1. So you will not have a new separate build on your computer. The build you already have will be updated from 23.0 to 23.1. Ready? Click here to go to the Update Center.

Hope you all enjoy the free update. And stay tuned. The best is yet to come.
Jack Minsky's Signature
Jack Minsky
Software MacKiev


Click here for a list of new features and fixes in the free update.

Click here for support articles and answers to questions you might have in mind.


Disclosure:  I have paid for a Family Tree Maker 2017 software program, but have accepted material considerations in the past from Software MacKiev.

Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver

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