1) My older daughter visited us last week from Wednesday to Saturday, but we didn't do much sightseeing - it was mainly communing at home. She and I went out one day to investigate Alzheimer's day centers, and she took Linda out to lunch three times. Our younger daughter was gonig to come down on Wednesday with her three kids, but they all were sick on that day.
2) I made more progress on my new genealogy project - I am researching the ancestry of a local personality, and will present what I find at the CVGS Family History Day in September. I took several of the English lines back one or two generations, but am stymied with several more - the records are sparse. This may not be as easy as I thought it would be.
3) I attended the Family History Day meeting of the Chula Vista Genealogical Society on Wednesday and updated the committee on my plans for the two presentations. I missed the Board meeting, though. I wrote and edited the April 2018 edition of the CVGS Newsletter and sent it to the members via email today, and will go to the UPS Store to publish and send the postal copies.
4) I taught the first class of "Beginning Computer Genealogy" at OASIS (a senior adult-education center) on Thursday. There are only six students this time, but they had lots of questions. The two hours go by really fast.
5) I participated in the 9 April edition of the Mondays With Myrt webinar. In today's webinar, we discussed: Google Backup (with Geoff Rasmussen); the Massachusetts Genealogical Council newsletter and record access; my Best of the Genea-Blogs post, and Judy Russell's post on the SS-5 application; new and updated Ancestry record collections, including the Card Catalog and getting Hints by collection; Lorine Schulze's Facebook post about losing 8 generations of ancestors because the original record was different from the derivative record; Pat Kuhn's cemetery project in Elizabethville, Pennsylvania; and more.
6) There were occasional sessions working in RootsMagic to update FamilySearch Family Tree profiles for Seaver families and other database families, with occasional additions to the RootsMagic profiles. I have matched 23,167 of my persons with FSFT. I now have 49,834 persons in my RootsMagic file. I TreeShared several times during the last week. There were also several sessions in Ancestry Hints to add content and source citations for the new RootsMagic profile additions. I've fallen behind on the Record Hints with 60,269 waiting to be resolved, but I'm working on them. Every time I add something to RootsMagic and TreeShare, the Hints multiply.
6) I have 277 Shared Ancestors on my AncestryDNA list (I had 276 last week), 823 4th cousins or closer (up from 808 last week), and 733 pages (over 36,600 matches with at least 5 cM) (was 722 pages last week) of matches. I have 13 matches that are third cousins or closer, and 93 matches with 34 cM (0.5%) or more (was 93 last week). My highest match has 779 cM (11.5%), and is one of my first cousins. I have 19 DNA Circles (was 19 last week). Very few of the new matches have an Ancestry Member Tree.
7) I have 3,402 DNA Matches on MyHeritage (up from 3,383 last week) with at least 8 cM (0.1%), with 20 matches with more than 34 cM (0.5%) or more (was 20 last week). I have two close relatives, both first cousins twice removed. The highest match is 293 cM (4.0%). Most of my matches have very small trees with no common ancestors shown.
8) I have 1,062 DNA Relatives on 23andMe (I had 1,062 last week) who share at least 0.10% with me. Of these, only 1 shares 1.0% or more, and 41 share 0.50% or more (was 41 last week), with the highest match being 1.54%. I struggle to find out anything about most of these testers.
9) I have 2,521 autosomal DNA Matches on FamilyTreeDNA (up from 2,516 last week) who share 0.25% (18 cM) or more, with the highest match being 96 cM (1.42%). I have 12 who share at least 1.0% (68 cM) with me, and 1,362 who share at least 0.50% (34 cM) or more (was 1,361 last week) with me. I have had better luck finding shared ancestors here with a few of these testers.
The URL for this post is: https://www.geneamusings.com/2018/04/monday-genea-pourri-9-april-2018.html
Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver
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