In August 2014, we had the grandgirls for several days in Chula Vista, and I got some cute photos of them:
1) I don't know where this is - a library? a store? - but they had San Diego Charger cutouts for them to pose in. Here's Audrey (age 6 at the time):
2) Here's Lauren (age 9 at the time):
3) Audrey had the bright idea to sell lemonade out on the street at the end of the cul-de-sac. She made a sign, we whipped up some lemonade, and hoped for customers:
Besides Lauren drinking up some of the supply, and probably me too, a neighbor came home, stopped, and bought a cup of lemonade. But the girls enthusiasm was not drained.
We all agreed that we should take the setup over to the busier cross street to get more customers.
This is part of MY family history!
More photos next week!
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