Jennifer Holik
Global Coordinator of the World War II Research & Writing Center,
Chicago IL & Amstelveen, Netherlands
http://wwiirwc.com info@wwiirwc.com
The World War II Research and Writing Center is pleased to announce the release of three new online courses on our educational website WWII Education. Did you know that the strategies we teach also apply to World War I and Korean War Research? When you take our courses, you can apply your new skills and knowledge to multiple research projects.
Finding the Answers: Starting WWII Research
Learn everything you need to know about starting WWII research in nine short lessons with nine
handouts. This course presents material all at once to allow you to move through the process as
quickly or slowly as you choose. Please see our website for full course information.
Finding the Answers: WWII Research Online
Are you ready to take your online research to a new level? This course, in six modules which
drip every 7 days, with numerous handouts, introduces you to:
- Reasons to research WWII service online.
o What records may be available online.
o Techniques to make searching easier.
- Strategies to help you search the 'Go-To' websites for research.
- A look at library and newspaper websites.
- Explore military museums, research libraries, and social media sites.
- An introduction to European research experts and grave adopters.
- Information on how Americans can work with European researchers to preserve more stories.
- Where to go to learn more.
Are you ready to start? Please see our website for full course information.
Finding the Answers in the IDPF
Course dates: May 14 - July 16, 2018
The Individual Deceased Personnel File (IDPF) is one of the most important files researchers can
obtain for World War II service members who died or are still considered Missing In Action
(MIA.) The details contained in these files are more than date of death, cause of death, and
locations of burials. We learn about the service history, medical history, family stories and grief,
decisions which had to be made by family members, family drama, the inability to recover
remains, and sometimes connect with other researchers who have requested the file in the past.
This course will begin on Monday May 14 and run for 10 weeks. You will explore seven
extensive modules, which include 27 downloads, case studies, and worksheets. Additionally, you
will be given access to an exclusive Facebook Group during the course period plus two
additional weeks, in which you can have conversations, share files, and connect with other
Please see our website for full course information.
We will offer another session this fall. Registration information will be posted in July.
The URL for this post is: https://www.geneamusings.com/2018/04/three-new-writing-courses-on-world-war.html
Copyright (c) 2018 World War II Research and Writing Center
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