Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Lauren, Audrey and Charlie Photos -- Post 515 of (Not So) Wordless Wednesday

I'm posting family photographs from my collection on Wednesdays, but they aren't Wordless Wednesday posts like others do - I simply am incapable of having a wordless post.

In September 2014, Charlie, our fifth grandchild, was born in Huntington Beach.  In October, we ventured north to see the family again.  Here are some of the photos (thanks to my daughter):

1)  Charlie slept a lot - normal for a 5 week old!  He had my hairline for awhile:

2)  The girls loved their new little brother:

3)  Grandma Linda got to hold Charlie while he was awake:

4)  Audrey (age 6) broke her right arm playing soccer but it didn't slow her down much:

This is a wonderful part of MY family history!

More photos next week!


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