Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Baby Randy with Fred and Betty in Early 1944 - Post 534 of (Not So) Wordless Wednesday

I discovered an envelope of small photographs saved when my mother died in 2002 - it was hiding in plain sight in the Genea-Cave! 

Several are of me as a baby with one or both parents.  This photo is me, as a baby, with my parents, Fred and Betty (Carringer) Seaver, probably taken in early 1944 by someone.  This was taken along Madison Avenue in San Diego near Terrace Drive where Chuck and Dorothy (Taylor) Chamberlain ha their home.  This home is where my father came in late 1940 when he came from Massachusetts to San Diego.

They are all dressed up - mom in her hat, slim dress and big purse, and dad with a white shirt and slicked back hair.  And me with bare feet and a jumper. We were probably visiting them for Easter.

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