The transcription of the obituary is:
"Frederick W. Seaver
"LEOMINSTER, March 13 -- Frederick W. Seaver, 65, of 90 Main Street, died this morning at the Lawrence General hospital. He had been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Walter Wood of Salem Depot, N.H.
"Mr. Seaver was born in Leominster. He was superintendent of the old Paton Mfg. Co. and at the time of his retirement a few years ago he was general foreman at the Doyle works. He was a member of the St. Mark's Episcopal church.
"Mr. Seaver is survived by his wife, Mrs. A. Bessie (Richardson) Seaver; four daughters, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Bowers Fischer and Mrs. Irving Braithwaite, both of Leominster, and Miss Geraldine Seaver, a teacher in the public schools of Northampton; two sons, Edward of Keene, N.H., and Frederick Seaver of San Diego, Calif.; and a brother, Harry Seaver of Leominster."
The source citation for the obituary is:
"Frederick W. Seaver," The Fitchburg [Mass.] Sentinel, online database and digital image, (, 13 March 1942, page 9, "Deaths" column, Frederick W. Seaver obituary.
The funeral notice is:
The transcription of the funeral notice is:
"Frederick W. Seaver
"The funeral of Frederick W. Seaver, 90 Main street, who died Friday, was held yesterday afternoon at St. Mark's church with Rev. John Brett Fort, rector, officiating. John Dalton was at the organ, and Fred Thomas and George Hancock were ushers.
"Burial was in Evergreen cemetery. The bearers were Henry Pickford of Clinton, Fred Shaw, Allen Freeman, Frank T. Cook, Councilor Paul R. Nettel and Earl P. Person of this city."
The source citation for the funeral notice is:
"Frederick W. Seaver," The Fitchburg [Mass.] Sentinel, online database and digital image, (, 16 March 1942, page 3, "Funerals" column, Frederick W. Seaver notice.
Frederick Walton Seaver (1876-1942) is my paternal grandfather. Unfortunately, the obituary does not provide a lot of detail about his life. The only significant error in the obituary is the maiden name of his wife - it was Richmond and not Richardson. The names of the children and brother are correct. The names of the bearers are interesting - Henry Pickford is a first cousin and Fred Shaw is a first cousin once removed. Allen Freeman was a longtime friend of the family, and I think Frank Cook was with one of the companies that Fred worked for in Leominster. I don't know who Nettel and Person are - probably family friends or colleagues.
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