Sunday, February 24, 2019

John Finch is Speaker at CVGS Meeting on Wednesday, 27 February

Wednesday, 27 February 2019, 12 noon

John Finch on “Between the World Wars”

at Chula Vista Civic Center Branch Library (365 F Street) 
in Auditorium

John’s topic, “Between The World Wars” will include an overview of World War I; an examination of the efforts to provide for a permanent peace (“The War to End All Wars”); the impact of the war on all populations and the failure of International Treaties that followed the cessation of hostilities.   

A display of the various military and other records and documents will be presented which, hopefully, will aid in your research pursuits of this era.

 John has been a member of the Chula Vista Genealogical Society for nearly twenty years and has served as Library Coordinator, Program Chair and President (2005 -2006 term).  Born and raised in Idaho,  he retired from the United States Navy in 1980, and the San Diego County Probation Department in 1999. 

John developed an interest in his own family history at a very young age, but did not begin an active pursuit of research until after retiring in 1999.  Now, he spends several hours each week researching his family and volunteers, at the Chula Vista Civic Center Branch Library, every Wednesday morning to assist new and seasoned researchers.

This is the Annual Business meeting, so after the presentation the 2018 Annual Report and the 2019 Budget will be presented to the membership.  After the business meeting, there will be delicious refreshments and drinks served in the back of the Auditorium.


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