MyTreeTags™ Fact Sheet
● MyTreeTags™ : Add labels to people in your tree to highlight personal details or clarify your research status. Ready for a simple new way to highlight important family details? Now you can tag people in your family tree to indicate whether your research on them is confirmed or verified, or to record personal details, like “never married.” You can also create your own custom tags to note that a person immigrated from Denmark, or worked as a blacksmith. You can even use filters as you search your tree to see everyone with the same tag.
About the Product
● Efficiently Notate Research: MyTreeTags™ provides customers with a mechanism to notate their research status at the level of a person within their tree. It will include tags applicable to most family trees within Ancestry plus the creation of custom tags to match their personal family history process. Customers can apply tags as filters in Tree Search to drill down in searches of people in their tree.
● Easier organization : MyTreeTags™ is a simple way for you highlight important details about the people in your family tree, allowing you to easily organize and categorize them for your research.
● Customizable: With MyTreeTags™, you can create custom tags to personalize your family history experience.
● Research Continuity: MyTreeTags™ allows you to easily indicate and identify the research status of each person in your tree so you know exactly where you left off. And you can filter by tags to get started more quickly.
Release Information
● MyTreeTags™ will be in public beta on 2/27 and anyone with an account (no subscription necessary) may opt-in at www.ancestry.com/BETA . Customers will find this feature through two entry points: their Tree View page and their Ancestor Page view. For RootsTech, customers who opt in to the public beta will have the ability to add 20 universal, predetermined tags to their Ancestor Pages as well as create their own custom tags. Applied tags can then be used as filters in Tree Search. We are still adding functionality and the features may change day-to-day as we work to provide the best version of this tool. Please come back frequently to use the tool and leave feedback for us.
At RootsTech 2019, there will be regular in-booth demos (come and check the schedule!) for this feature. In addition, Crista Cowan will present a MyTreeTags™ class (Your Family Tree Your Way: An Introduction to New Ancestry Tools) on Thursday, 28 February at 1:30 p.m. MDT, which will be livestreamed at www.RootsTech.org.
Note: I am happy that Ancestry is adding new features to the Ancestry Member Trees product. I have not explored this new feature yet, but will do so within the next week and will demonstrate it in a blog post.
Disclosure: I have had a fully paid Ancestry.com subscription since 2000. Ancestry.com has provided material considerations for travel expenses to meetings, and has hosted events and meals that I have attended in Salt Lake City, in past years.
The URL for this post is: https://www.geneamusings.com/2019/02/ancestrycom-announces-mytreetags.html
Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver
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I just tried it with a few people in my tree and it seems to work pretty well.
My Firefox browser is up to date and MyTreeTags does not save the tags and will not show them on the person page.
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