It's time for another edition of "Seavers in the News" - a weekly feature from the historical newspapers about persons with the surname Seaver that are interesting, useful, mysterious, fun, macabre, or add information to my family tree database.
This week's entry is from the Stevens Point [Wis.] Journal newspaper dated 21 May 1934:
"Nicholas Seaver
"Nicholas Seaver of the town of Eau Pleine died thism orning at 5:45 o'clock at his home. He had been in poor health since November and confined to bed for the past three months.
"Mr. Seaver was born on March 9, 1871, at Leamont, Illinois. He came to Wisconsin at the age of 16 years with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Seaver, and located in Eau Pleine, at his present home. His marriage to Miss May Cronkhite of Eau Pleine took place on August 25, 1897. Mr. Seaver had been engaged in the lumber business all of his life.
"Surviving are his wife, four sons, Harold, Howard and Ranald, all at home, and roger of Madison; three daughters, Mrs. A.C. Aldrich of Auburndale, Mrs. Louis Kunzman of Wausau and Mrs. Irvin Dishneau of Eau Pleine; one sister, Mrs. Wassman of Anawa, and six grandchildren.
"Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Martens funeral home at Junction city, and burial will take place in the Lutheran cemetery in Eau Pleine. The body is at the funeral home where it will be until the time of the funeral."
The source citation for the article is:
"Nicholas Seaver," Stevens Point [Wis.] Journal newspaper, obituary, Monday, 21 May 1934, page 3, column 4, Nicholas Seaver obituary; ( : accessed 28 February 2019).
The obituary for Nicholas Seaver provides his birth date and place, his parents names, his spouse's name, their wedding date, and their seven children's names and their residences.
I found that I had none of these persons in my RootsMagic family tree, so I added them to the database and searched for records of them to see if I could connect them to another Seaver family.
It turned out that his parents were John Sievers (born in 1831 in Prussia) and Susanna Yungles (born in 1841 in Luxembourg). The records for Nicholas and his children spelled the last name as Seavers, with the exception of this obituary. This is now another Seaver/s bush in my RootsMagic tree.
I am not related to Nicholas Seavers to my knowledge.
Disclosure: I have a paid subscription to and have used it extensively to find articles about my ancestral and one-name families.
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Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver
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