Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Randy and His First Girl Friend (?) -- Post 557 of (Not So) Wordless Wednesday

Several months ago, I discovered an envelope of small photographs saved when my mother died in 2002 - it was hiding in plain sight in the Genea-Cave! 

Included in the photo cache was this oldie-but-goodie - a photo of toddler Randy with a girl friend on the back steps:

I was probably 2 or 3 years old in this photo, and the little girl is 2 or younger, I think.  I don't know who she is - but may have been a little girl from a family in the neighborhood.  She has a nice bonnet, though!

The setting is probably the back porch of my grandparents house at 2130 Fern Street in San Diego.  The back porch faced west and had the afternoon sun.  There is a playpen in the background - my guess is that was used to keep me busy while my grandmother gardened.  It may be winter time since I have a double-breasted coat buttoned up, and long pants and shoes, in the photo.  My grandfather or grandmother may have taken the picture in late 1945 or early 1946.


Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver

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Diane Gould Hall said...

Too cute.

Unknown said...

A little boy and a little girl in front of a baby playpen are so cute. Your story reminds me about my childhood. We were so naive to understand everything at that period. Just enjoy your life.