This week's document for Amanuensis Monday is the 1852 deed of Milo Hildreth selling land from Zachariah Hildreth of Townsend in the Middlesex County, Massachusetts Land Records:
[Volume 654, pages 152-153]
The transcription of this deed is:
[Volume 654, page 151, starts in middle of right-hand page]
[in right-hand margin]
[body of text]
Know all Men by these presents
That I Milo Hildreth of Northborough in the County of Worces-
ter Combmaker in consideration of two thousand dollars
to me paid by Zachariah Hildreth of Townsend in the
County of Middlesex yeoman, the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged, do hereby give, grant, bargain, sell and convey
unto the said Zachariah his heirs and assigns forever a
certain tract of land situated in the Southeasterly part
of said Townsend on both sides of the Road leading
from Benjamin F. Lewis' to Lunenburgh being the same
land and premises conveyed by said Zachariah Hildreth
to me by deed of even date herewith and the same Farm
now occupied by Zachariah Hildreth, reference
being had to said Zachariah's deed to me of even date
with these presents the bounds and description will fully
appear. also Pew number eight in the Brick Meeting house
belonging to the Orthodox congregational church and society
in said Townsend. To Have and to Hold the above granted
premises to the said Zachariah Hildreth his heirs and as-
signs to his use and behoof forever, and I the said Milo
Hildreth for myself and my heirs executors and admin-
istrators do covenant with the said Zachariah his heirs
and assigns that I am lawfully seized in fee simple
of the aforegranted premises; that they are free from all
encumbrances that I have good right to sell and convey
[Volume 654, Page 152]
the same to the said Zachariah his heirs and assigns
forever as aforesaid and that I will and my heirs exec-
utors and administrators shall Warrant and Defend
the same to the said Zachariah his heirs and assigns
forever, against the lawful claims and demands of all
persons. Provided Nevertheless that if I the said Milo
Hildreth my heirs executors or administrators shall well
and truly keep perform and fulfil the condition of a
certain bond of even date with these presents given by
me to said Zachariah Hildreth in the penal sum of
two thousand dollars conddioned that I shall from time
to time and at all times hereafter during the natural
life of the said Zachariah Hildreth and during the life of
Hannah Hildreth wife of said Zachariah will and truly
maintain support and keep or cause to be well main-
tained supported & kept the said Zachariah & Hannah
with suitable meat, drink, clothes, lodging, doctoring and
nursing and all other things necessary and conven-
ient for their sustenance and support in a kind &
affectionate manner & shall on demand pay all the
just debts he may now be owing then this deed as also a
certain bond bearing even date with these presents signed
by the said Milo in penal sum of two thousand dollars
conditioned as aforesaid shall both be absolutely void
to all intents and purposes. And provided also that
until default of the payment of the said sum or interest
or other default as herein provided the mortgage shall
have no right to enter and take possession of the prem-
ises. In Witness Whereof, I the said Milo Hildreth have
hereunto set my hand and seal this twelfth of August
in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and fifty
two. Milo Hildreth {seal} Signed sealed and delivered
in presence of us F.A. Worcester. Middlesex ss August
12, 1852. Then personally appeared the above named Milo
Hildreth and acknowledged the above instrument to
be his free act and deed; before me F.A. Worcester Jus-
tice of the peace.
Middlesex ss May 13, 1853 Recd & Recorded by
Caleb Hayden Reg.
[in left hand margin]
Cambridge April 26 1859 I Milo Hildreth Adm^r of the Estate of the
Estate of the within named Mortgagee acknowledge to have rec. full payment
& satisfaction of this mortgage. I do therefore hereby cancel & discharge the same.
Wirtness Cha B Stevens Milo Hildreth Adm^r
The source citation for this recorded deed is:
"Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, FamilySearch ( : accessed 2 February 2019), Middlesex County, "Deeds, 1853, Vol. 653-654," Volume 654, pages 151-152 (images 368-9 of 597), Deed of Milo Hildreth to Zachariah Hildreth, executed 12 August 1852, recorded 13 May 1853.
In this deed, Milo Hildreth sells a tract of land in Townsend and the pew in the Brick church in Townsend to Zachariah Hildreth and his wife Hannah for $2,000 on 12 August 1852. In a bond described in the deed, Milo Hildreth agrees to support Zachariah and Hannah Hildreth for the rest of their lives under penalty of $2,000. Milo Hildreth is a son of Zachariah and Hannah Hildreth.
Zachariah Hildreth (1783-1857), who married Hannah Sawtell (1789-1857) in 1810, is my third great-grandfather. I am descended from their son, Edward Hildreth (1831-1899) who married Sophia Newton (1834-1923) in 1852.
NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver
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