Victor Davidse Potman (1721-after 1765) is number #504 on my Ahnentafel List, my 6th great-grandfather, who married #505 Margriet Wies (1726-after 1765) in about 1745, probably in New Jersey.
I am descended through:
* their son, #252 Peter Putman (1760-1835) who married #253 Sarah Kinnan (1760-1841) in 1780.
* their son, #126 John Putman (1785-1863) who married #127 Sarah Martin (1792-1860) in 1810.
* their daughter, #63 Elizabeth Putman (1818-1895) who married #62 Alexander Sovereen (1814-1907) in 1840.
* their daughter, #31 Mary Jane Sovereen (1840-1874), who married #30 James Abraham Kemp (1831-1902) in 1861.
* their daughter #15 Georgianna Kemp (1868-1952) who married #14 Charles Auble (1849-1916) in 1898.
* their daughter #7 Emily Kemp Auble (1899-1977), who married #6 Lyle Lawrence Carringer (1891-1976) in 1918.
* their daughter #3 Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002) who married #2 Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983) in 1942.
* their son #1 Randall Jeffrey Seaver (1943-living)
1) PERSON (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Name: Victor Davidse Putman[1]
* Alternate Name: Victor Potman[4-6]
* Sex: Male
* Father: David Janse Putman (1684-1761)
* Mother: Elisabetha Beeckman (1687- )
2) INDIVIDUAL EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Birth: before 9 April 1721, Monmouth, New Jersey, United States[1–3]
* Baptism: 9 April 1721 (after age 0), Dutch Reformed Church, Freehold, Monmouth, New Jersey, United States[1-3]
* Death: after August 1765 (after about age 44), probably Sussex, New Jersey, United States[1]
3) SHARED EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Spouse 1: Margriet Wies (1726-after 1765)
* Marriage: about 1745 (after about age 24), New Jersey, United States[1]
* Child 1: Maria Putman (1749-????)
* Child 2: Elisabetha Putman (1751-????)
* Child 3: Saertje Putman (1753-????)
* Child 4: David Putman (1755-????)
* Child 5: Johannes Victorse Putman (1757-1798)
* Child 6: Peter Victorse Putman (1760-1835)
4) NOTES (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
Mark Putman created the Putman Family Bulletin website ( and has done extensive research on the Putman family that migrated from Netherlands to New York in the 1600s. There are web pages for each child of Johannes Pootman and Cornelia Bradt for up to six generations. The fourth child of Johannes and Cornelia (Bradt) Pootman was David Janse Potman. The web page for David Potman is at
David Janse Potman likely had a son Victor Davidse Potman who may have been the unnamed child baptized April 9, 1721, at the Brick Church now in Marlborough, New Jersey (Dutch Reformed Church of Freehold and Middletown, near Freehold, Monmouth, New Jersey).[1-3] Victor's mother was probably David's second wife, Elisabetha Beeckman[1]. While young, his family moved to Readington township now in Somerset, New Jersey.
In about 1745, Victor Potman married Margriet Wies, probably in New Jersey, who may have been the daughter of Nicholas Wies.[1] They probably had at least six children[1]:
* Maria Potman (1749-????).
* Elisabetha Potman (1751-????).
* Seartje Potman (1753-????).
* David Potman (about 1755-????).
* John Potman (about 1757-1798).
* Peter Potman (1760-1835), married Sarah Kinnan (1760-1841) in 1784.
In 1749, Victor and Margriet Potman lived in the Minisink Valley of the Delaware River, possibly on the New Jersey side above the Water Gap, across the river from Smithfield, Pennsylvania. Their three daughters were baptized at the Dutch Reformed Church of Smithfield, Pennsylvania which served both banks of the Delaware River.[1,4-6]
Four Dutch Reformed Churches were founded in the Minisink Valley. By 1756, the settlements on the New Jersey side of the river were more numerous. The Smithfield Church was about five miles north of the Delaware Water Gap and nine miles north of Portland, Pennsylvania. Portland was just across the Delaware River from the mouth of Paulin's Kill, New Jersey, today called Columbia, New Jersey.
Victor [Davidse] Potman seems to have had a son Johannes [Victorse] who remained in Mount Bethel, Pennsylvania, across the Delaware River from Delaware [Station], New Jersey.[1] The "List of the Inhabitants of the Hunter Settlement," Mount Bethel Township, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, taken in 1775, shows the Scotch-Irish neighborhood of Upper and Lower Mount Bethel Townships, Pennsylvania. In it was listed John Potman, who seems to have been Victor's son.
Between 1756 and 1761, the French and Indian War caused most of the settlers to flee the west bank of the Delaware River and find refuge in simple forts on the east side.[1] The Dominie of the Dutch Reformed Churches fled the Minisink Valley and went to the North Branch Church in Somerset County, New Jersey. Probably due to the French and Indian War, there are no records for the births of their sons, Johannes and Peter.
In August 1765, the administrator of the estate of Mathias Barbar of Hardwick Township, Sussex County [now Warren], New Jersey, Joseph Dawson, brought a law suit against Victor Pottman for the sum of 50 pounds, which was a considerable amount of money at the time.[1] The county seat of Sussex and Warren Counties, then only Sussex, was being formed in Hardwick Township in Johnstown. Perhaps, Victor was then a resident of the Johnstown area.
It seems descendants of both Victor [Davidse] Potman and Johannes [Davidse] Potman removed to the area in Sussex County, New Jersey, where Frankford, Lafayette, Hardyston, and Wantage meet. It is where the Stoll, Dun, Kinnan, and Snyder families lived. These families married into the Putman family.[1]
Victor and Margaret Potman probably died and were buried after August 1765 in Sussex County, New Jersey.[1] No probate records were founsd for Victor Potman.
1. Mark R. Putnam, "David Janse Pottman, Also Known as David Potman and Putman," The Putman Family Bulletin ( accessed 22 January 2015), page 20, biography of Victor Davidse Potman.
2. "New Jersey Births and Christenings Index, 1660-1931," indexed database, FamilySearch (, Dutch Reformed Church, Freehold and Middletown, N.J.; Potman entry, son of David Potman.
3. "U.S. Dutch Reformed Church Records from Selected States, 1639-1989," digital images, (, New Jersey > Freehold and Middletown > Freehold and Middletown, Part 1, Book 61A, page 17 (image 182 of 529), _______ Potman baptism entry.
4. "Pennsylvania Births and Christenings, 1709-1950," indexed database, FamilySearch (, Dutch Reformed Church, Smithfield, Penn., Maria Potman entry, daughter of Victor Potman and Margriet Wies.
5. "Pennsylvania Births and Christenings, 1709-1950," indexed database, FamilySearch (, Dutch Reformed Church, Smithfield, Penn., Elisabetha Potman entry, daughter of Victor Potman and Margriet Wies.
6. "Pennsylvania Births and Christenings, 1709-1950," indexed database, FamilySearch (, Dutch Reformed Church, Smithfield, Penn., Saertje Potman entry, daughter of Victor Potman and Grietje Wiser.
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