Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Genealogy News Bytes - Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Welcome to Genealogy News Bytes, posted on Tuesday afternoon and Friday afternoon, where we try to highlight the most important genealogy and family history news and education items that came across our desktop over the past four days.

2)  New or Updated Record Collections:

3)  Genealogy Education - Webinars (times are US Pacific):

 GeneaWebinars Calendar

*  View RootsTech 2020 Videos for FREE!

*  Upcoming Family Tree Webinar - Wednesday, 15 April, 11 a.m.: Was Great Grandmother Really Native American?, by Janice Lovelace

*  Upcoming Family Tree Webinar - Thursday, 16 April, 11 a.m.:  Watch Geoff Live: Adding a City Directory, by Geoff Rasmussen

*  Archived Family Tree Webinar:  Jumpstart Your MyHeritage Family Tree with Instant Discoveries, by James Tanner

*  MyHeritage Facebook Live Video:  FREE Recording Using City Directories: Top 10 Tips and Tricks! by Thomas MacEntee

4)  Genealogy Education - Podcasts:

*  Genealogy Connection:  #67 - Diahan Southard, DNA Expert

*  Fisher's Top Tips: #171r - DNA Testing

5)  Genealogy Videos (YouTube):

*  BYU Family History Library:  DNA Kindergarten Part 1 - Bonnie Belza

*  New York Genealogical & Biographical Society:  Introducing the NYG&B's Online Records Platform


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Copyright (c) 2020, Randall J. Seaver

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1 comment:

dritchhart said...

Randy: Congratulations on your 14th Anniversary!! It is hard to imagine that I actually knew you BB (Before Blogging). That is an achievement to be proud of. Not only generating all of that genealogy information; but the fact you are still married{:-). Had I continued my meager and short-lived effort, I believe I would today be a bachelor. I wish you many more years of successful Blogging.

All the best. . . . .Del