Saturday, September 19, 2020

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun -- Moving On Out

  Calling all Genea-Musings Fans:

 It's Saturday Night again - 

time for some more Genealogy Fun!!

Here is your assignment if you choose to play along (cue the Mission Impossible music, please!):

1.  Where did you go the first time you moved out of your parents home?  Did you have roommates? Did you live by yourself?  Did you get married right away?  Tell the story - your children and grandchildren will want to know!

2.  Share your story in your own blog post, in a comment on this post, or on Facebook.  Please leave a comment with a link to your post here.

Here's mine:

I lived in my childhood home all through college - taking the bus to San Diego State University.  I rode the bus everywhere because I didn't get a driver's license until October 1966, at age 23.

In late 1966, I had a decent engineering job at Sunrise Aircraft, bought a car (my father helped), and decided I would get an apartment on my own close to where I hung out at Aztec Bowl at 30th and El Cajon Blvd.  It was a one-bedroom, furnished, second floor, and relatively cheap on Idaho Street near Madison Avenue.  I still went to the folks home for dinner several times a week, ate at the nearby restaurants and the bowling alley occasionally, went out to lunch with my colleagues, and could cook bacon and eggs.  I started drinking with the bowling buddies and was working on DX radio hobby almost every night.  

In March 1967, the company told us that they couldn't pay the employees, but if we kept working they would compensate us when the financial crisis was over.  I worked without pay until September, when they shut the doors.  So I moved out of my apartment, back to my parents' home, but had the sun room to myself because my brother was in the Air Force.  

After a month on unemployment, I had some interviews with aerospace companies, and landed a job.  But I didn't take that job because another one appeared over the weekend, and I stayed in San Diego.  

The next apartment wasn't much better, but that's a story for another time, and it leads to meeting Linda.


Copyright (c) 2020, Randall J. Seaver

Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post.  Share it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest using the icons below.  Or contact me by email at


Liz said...

Boy, Randy, you unknowingly picked a tough topic for me today. But I pushed through. It was probably good therapy. LOL.

Here's mine:

Lisa S. Gorrell said...

One apartment alone before getting married.

Meanwhile, I'm frustrated with new Blogger--I tried changing font size and although it showed the first three lines at large--the text is smaller than the regular text. Why do they have to change something that was working fine?

Janice M. Sellers said...

As usual, I'm a little different.

And I totally agree with Lisa about the new "improvements" to Blogger, although I'm pretty sure the changes were done to accommodate mobile users, because of course they're the only important people in the world.

Lois Willis said...

Here's mine

I have found the new editor in WordPress frustrating as well - I have to make sure everything is right in Microsoft Word first, because it is so hard to edit a post now that is organized into "blocks".

Linda Stufflebean said...

Here's my moving on out link:

Seeds to Tree said...

When I attended and graduated from college about 3 hours from home, I lived in the dorms or sorority house, I didn't feel like I'd moved out of my parents'. I was home every holiday and summer unless I took Spring Break trip to Florida. The one exception was the summer of 1972 when I backpacked through Europe alone, with a EuroRail pass and American Express traveler's checques. I paid for all of my college except for the dorm/sorority fees, all vacations, clothes etc, by working part time. I saved the money for the Europe trip starting in 8th grade and in 1972 it was nearly impossible to get a summer job.

My first attempt at living on my own, was with a friend and lasted just a couple of months, then I moved alone into a studio. It was in an older building, had two huge closets, and a cool murphy bed behind original french doors. Lots of diningroom built-in cabinets. Beautiful wood floors. Walkable to the EL, which is Chicago's rapid transit. I took it to work in the city on the 52nd floor of the 104 story building then called the Sears Tower. I felt like Mary Tyler Moore. I had no car, didn't need one. My grandfather gave me his old couch and matching chairs. My dad and I stripped the paint, refinished the three pieces, and had it reupholstered. It turned out to be the living room set, given by my grandfather to my grandmother as an engagement present in 1929. I still have that furniture in my livingroom today. Its still beautiful. It was probably another 3 years before my husband and I met. We've lived in four homes in our 40 plus year marriage, but I still have fond memories of my first studio apartment.

Trevor Rix said...

I can't answer the question because I still live in my parents home. Now mine. 70 years and counting.