I can't help it, I can't do a wordless post! I found some more family photos hiding in Linda's family photo boxes. This is one of my favorite photographs:
This is a 1980 photograph at my brother-in-law's home in San Jose, California. He had a pool, and it was a big hit with his father, his sister, me, and our daughters, especially in the summertime when we were on vacation.
In this photo, from the left, we see Papa Lee (Linda and Paul's dad) watching his granddaughters, our daughter Lori on Paul's back, brother-in-law Paul waiting to catch someone, and our daughter Tami jumping off the edge of the pool. The girls are ages 6 and 3, and are wearing their swimmies for flotation. They loved the water - pool or beach or sprinklers - and loved their uncle Paul and grandfather Papa Lee.
These photos were scanned from photographs created from developed film prints and are not particularly sharp, but they are what we have!
Several times a year when our children were growing up, Linda sent photographs to her parents and brother in San Francisco. When her father died in 2002, her brother sorted out the photos and gave Linda the ones that were of our family and the ones interacting with them. They were given to us in a big box of stuff back in 2006, and we finally looked at them last year! I've started digitizing them for use in these Wordless Wednesday posts.The URL for this post is: https://www.geneamusings.com/2020/09/tami-and-lori-at-uncle-pauls-pool-in.html
Copyright (c) 2020, Randall J. Seaver
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