I am keeping up with the new and updated historical record collections at FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/search/collection/list) every week.
As of 17 December 2021, there are 3,056 historical record collections on FamilySearch (an increase of 4 from last week):
--- Collections Deleted ---
The new and updated collections this week from FamilySearch are:
* England, Berkshire, Parish Registers, 1515-1993 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4380176); 600 indexed records with 600 record images, DELETED
--- Collections Added ---
--- Collections Added ---
* Estonia, Lutheran Church Family Lists, 1603-1980 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4445509); 2,501,510 indexed records with 2,501,510 record images, ADDED 10-Dec-2021
* Kentucky, Supplemental Schedule of Defective, Dependent & Delinquents, 1850-1880 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4149583); 17,715 indexed records with 17,715 record images, ADDED 15-Dec-2021
* United States, California, Indexes to Private Land Claims Dockets, 1849-1895 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4163575); 1,340 indexed records with 1,340 record images, ADDED 17-Dec-2021
* Switzerland, Ticino, Census, 1837 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/3288470); 1,030 indexed records with 1,030 record images, ADDED 17-Dec-2021
--- Collections Updated ---
* Kentucky, Supplemental Schedule of Defective, Dependent & Delinquents, 1850-1880 (https://familysearch.org/sear
* United States, California, Indexes to Private Land Claims Dockets, 1849-1895 (https://familysearch.org/sear
* Switzerland, Ticino, Census, 1837 (https://familysearch.org/sea
--- Collections Updated ---
Mexico, Guanajuato, Catholic Church Records, 1519-1984 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1860831); 12,113,473 indexed records with 4,584,983 record images (was 10,506,642 records with 4,584,983 images), UPDATED 16-Dec-2021
Nicaragua, Catholic Church Records, 1740-1960 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1494432); 767,808 indexed records with 86,119 record images (was 666,709 records with 86,119 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Civil Registration, 1879-1949 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/3479702); 654,036 indexed records with 275,020 record images (was 646,083 records with 271,923 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
Costa Rica, Catholic Church Records, 1595-1992 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1460016); 3,041,468 indexed records with 962,203 record images (was 2,528,881 records with 962,203 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Brazil, São Paulo, Civil Registration, 1925-1995 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2765317); 2,055,962 indexed records with 2,009,981 record images (was 2,055,962 records with 2,009,979 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Nicaragua, Catholic Church Records, 1740-1960 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Civil Registration, 1879-1949 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Costa Rica, Catholic Church Records, 1595-1992 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Brazil, São Paulo, Civil Registration, 1925-1995 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Mexico, Chiapas, Catholic Church Records, 1557-1978 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1616412); 2,158,195 indexed records with 968,865 record images (was 1,827,352 records with 968,865 images), UPDATED 16-Dec-2021
Sweden, Örebro Church Records, 1613-1918; index 1635-1860 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1647578); 678,311 indexed records with 647,469 record images (was 674,901 records with 647,469 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
India, Madras Diocese Protestant Church Records, 1743-1990 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2174941); 37,050 indexed records with 39,904 record images (was 33,883 records with 39,904 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
United States Census, 1830 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1803958); 1,824,437 indexed records with 151,929 record images (was 1,824,437 records with 151,929 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Tuvalu, Vital Records, 1866-1979 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3875191); 25,859 indexed records with 2,168 record images (was 24,536 records with 1,500 images), UPDATED 14-Dec-2021
Sweden, Örebro Church Records, 1613-1918; index 1635-1860 (https://familysearch.org/sea
India, Madras Diocese Protestant Church Records, 1743-1990 (https://familysearch.org/sear
United States Census, 1830 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Tuvalu, Vital Records, 1866-1979 (https://familysearch.org/sear
England, Lincolnshire, Marriage Bonds and Allegations, 1574-1885 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4149576); 86,819 indexed records with 28,165 record images (was 85,588 records with 26,935 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
Puerto Rico, Catholic Church Records, 1645-1969 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1807092); 2,711,106 indexed records with 191,547 record images (was 1,830,668 records with 191,547 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Paraguay, Catholic Church Records, 1754-2015 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1922527); 3,145,604 indexed records with 373,775 record images (was 3,109,836 records with 373,775 images), UPDATED 14-Dec-2021
Illinois, Cook County, Birth Certificates, 1871-1949 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1462519); Index only (3,412,421 records), no images (was 3,401,843 records with 0 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
New York, New York, Index to Passengers Lists of Vessels, 1897-1902 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/3031525); 1,727,741 indexed records with 1,701,959 record images (was 870,652 records with 849,609 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Puerto Rico, Catholic Church Records, 1645-1969 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Paraguay, Catholic Church Records, 1754-2015 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Illinois, Cook County, Birth Certificates, 1871-1949 (https://familysearch.org/sear
New York, New York, Index to Passengers Lists of Vessels, 1897-1902 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Norway, Probate Index Cards, 1640-1903 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1661306); Index only (423,743 records), no images (was 420,463 records with 0 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
Brazil, Ceará, Catholic Church Records, 1725-1971 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2175764); 236,487 indexed records with 774,950 record images (was 186,738 records with 774,950 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Bolivia Catholic Church Records, 1566-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1922463); 8,235,961 indexed records with 1,649,601 record images (was 8,163,651 records with 1,649,601 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2021
Uruguay, Catholic Church Records, 1726-2000 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/4134697); 1,676,820 indexed records with 289,606 record images (was 1,566,285 records with 239,664 images), UPDATED 16-Dec-2021
Mexico, Yucatán, Catholic Church Records, 1543-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1909116); 3,702,339 indexed records with 1,234,534 record images (was 2,609,285 records with 1,234,534 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2021
Brazil, Ceará, Catholic Church Records, 1725-1971 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Bolivia Catholic Church Records, 1566-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Uruguay, Catholic Church Records, 1726-2000 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Mexico, Yucatán, Catholic Church Records, 1543-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Italy, Salerno, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1806-1949 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1935404); 60,968 indexed records with 5,926,960 record images (was 60,968 records with 5,926,960 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Mexico, Oaxaca, Catholic Church Records, 1559-1988 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1909191); 9,140,404 indexed records with 3,458,764 record images (was 7,389,893 records with 3,458,764 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
France, Saône-et-Loire, Parish and Civil Registration, 1530-1892 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2840171); 7,222,840 indexed records with 1,943,042 record images (was 7,222,475 records with 1,971,147 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
Mexico, Baja California and Baja California Sur, Catholic Church Records, 1750-1984 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1506640); 124,627 indexed records with 29,943 record images (was 98,853 records with 29,943 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Uruguay Civil Registration, 1879-1930 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1837849); Index only (353,577 records), no images (was 350,866 records with 0 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
Mexico, Oaxaca, Catholic Church Records, 1559-1988 (https://familysearch.org/sear
France, Saône-et-Loire, Parish and Civil Registration, 1530-1892 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Mexico, Baja California and Baja California Sur, Catholic Church Records, 1750-1984 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Uruguay Civil Registration, 1879-1930 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Virginia, County Marriage Records, 1771-1989 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2134304); 581,508 indexed records with 2,733 record images (was 570,828 records with 2,733 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
Mexico, Durango, Catholic Church Records, 1604-1985 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1554576); 1,932,505 indexed records with 504,812 record images (was 1,655,668 records with 504,812 images), UPDATED 14-Dec-2021
Peru, Diocese of Huaraz, Catholic Church Records, 1641-2016 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2787829); 866,432 indexed records with 213,108 record images (was 853,238 records with 211,068 images), UPDATED 14-Dec-2021
Mexico, Guerrero, Catholic Church Records, 1576-1979 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1823323); 3,852,227 indexed records with 1,584,621 record images (was 3,512,765 records with 1,584,621 images), UPDATED 16-Dec-2021
Peru, Catholic Church Records, 1603-1992 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1877097); 19,458,470 indexed records with 4,192,353 record images (was 17,065,347 records with 4,192,353 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
Mexico, Durango, Catholic Church Records, 1604-1985 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Peru, Diocese of Huaraz, Catholic Church Records, 1641-2016 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Mexico, Guerrero, Catholic Church Records, 1576-1979 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Peru, Catholic Church Records, 1603-1992 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Mexico, Sonora, Catholic Church Records, 1657-1994 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1473203); 847,126 indexed records with 383,518 record images (was 760,203 records with 383,518 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Mexico, Campeche, Catholic Church Records, 1638-1944 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1473200); 882,757 indexed records with 189,697 record images (was 651,590 records with 189,697 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
Mexico, Sinaloa, Catholic Church Records, 1671-1968 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1473206); 1,551,247 indexed records with 521,512 record images (was 1,461,500 records with 521,512 images), UPDATED 16-Dec-2021
Portugal, Guarda, Catholic Church Records, 1459-1911 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1928588); 588 indexed records with 815,966 record images (was 0 records with 815,966 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Mexico, Nuevo León, Catholic Church Records, 1667-1981 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1473204); 1,585,088 indexed records with 447,381 record images (was 1,342,430 records with 447,381 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Mexico, Campeche, Catholic Church Records, 1638-1944 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Mexico, Sinaloa, Catholic Church Records, 1671-1968 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Portugal, Guarda, Catholic Church Records, 1459-1911 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Mexico, Nuevo León, Catholic Church Records, 1667-1981 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Germany, Prussia, Saxony, Census Lists, 1770-1934 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2780641); 1,005,947 indexed records with 50,381 record images (was 996,383 records with 42,540 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2021
El Salvador Catholic Church Records, 1655-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1919582); 1,814,700 indexed records with 592,191 record images (was 1,781,892 records with 592,191 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
Dominican Republic, Catholic Church Records, 1590-1975 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1918910); 1,741,971 indexed records with 238,265 record images (was 1,496,938 records with 238,265 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
South Africa, Reformed Church Records, 1856-1988 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1918294); Browse 40,337 Images only, no index (was 0 records with 40,337 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
Mexico, Zacatecas, Catholic Church Records, 1605-1980 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1804458); 3,188,882 indexed records with 1,663,800 record images (was 2,996,328 records with 1,663,800 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
El Salvador Catholic Church Records, 1655-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Dominican Republic, Catholic Church Records, 1590-1975 (https://familysearch.org/sear
South Africa, Reformed Church Records, 1856-1988 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Mexico, Zacatecas, Catholic Church Records, 1605-1980 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Brazil, São Paulo, Catholic Church Records, 1640-2012 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2177299); 982,176 indexed records with 1,610,067 record images (was 161,371 records with 1,610,067 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Brazil, Sergipe, Catholic Church Records, 1785-1994 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2177298); 265,419 indexed records with 273,847 record images (was 26,800 records with 273,847 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
New York, Yonkers, Birth and Death Registration and Indexes, 1875-1916 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4116431); 71,248 indexed records with 1,693 record images (was 115,291 records with 1,693 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
Brazil, Rio Grande do Norte, Catholic Church Records, 1788-1967 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2177294); 962,944 indexed records with 54,182 record images (was 512,569 records with 54,182 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Anguilla, Civil Registration, 1901-1991 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4317031); 7,688 indexed records with 5,702 record images (was 25,711 records with 5,702 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2021
Brazil, Sergipe, Catholic Church Records, 1785-1994 (https://familysearch.org/sea
New York, Yonkers, Birth and Death Registration and Indexes, 1875-1916 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Brazil, Rio Grande do Norte, Catholic Church Records, 1788-1967 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Anguilla, Civil Registration, 1901-1991 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Mexico, México, Catholic Church Records, 1567-1970 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1837908); 6,504,000 indexed records with 4,823,124 record images (was 4,996,057 records with 4,823,124 images), UPDATED 16-Dec-2021
Brazil, Maranhão, Catholic Church Records, 1673-1962 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2177273); 3,869 indexed records with 41,812 record images (was 0 records with 41,812 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Brazil, Bahía, Catholic Church Records, 1598-2007 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2177272); 278,560 indexed records with 368,634 record images (was 205,343 records with 368,634 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2021
Mexico, Morelos, Catholic Church Records, 1598-1994 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1837907); 1,340,712 indexed records with 531,787 record images (was 1,122,951 records with 531,787 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Mexico, Puebla, Catholic Church Records, 1545-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1837906); 6,959,160 indexed records with 6,124,553 record images (was 6,072,003 records with 6,124,553 images), UPDATED 16-Dec-2021
Brazil, Maranhão, Catholic Church Records, 1673-1962 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Brazil, Bahía, Catholic Church Records, 1598-2007 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Mexico, Morelos, Catholic Church Records, 1598-1994 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Mexico, Puebla, Catholic Church Records, 1545-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Catholic Church Records, 1706-1999 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2177275); 1,484,372 indexed records with 930,569 record images (was 1,080,124 records with 930,569 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2333694); 29,761,754 indexed records with 46,885,461 record images (was 29,761,754 records with 46,885,461 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
United States Census, 1930 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1810731); 125,180,290 indexed records with 2,957,015 record images (was 125,180,290 records with 2,957,015 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Venezuela, Catholic Church Records, 1577-1995 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1951777); 16,859,911 indexed records with 1,899,876 record images (was 14,365,538 records with 1,899,876 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
Ecuador, Catholic Church Records, 1565-2011 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1923402); 5,834,131 indexed records with 1,454,787 record images (was 5,823,657 records with 1,454,787 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014 (https://familysearch.org/sear
United States Census, 1930 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Venezuela, Catholic Church Records, 1577-1995 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Ecuador, Catholic Church Records, 1565-2011 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Texas Deaths, 1890-1976 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1983324); 4,543,233 indexed records with 4,476,649 record images (was 4,543,233 records with 4,476,649 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Brazil, Paraíba, Catholic Church Records, 1731-2013 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2177286); 981,578 indexed records with 788,492 record images (was 266,242 records with 788,492 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Mexico, Nayarit, Catholic Church Records, 1596-1967 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1883377); 1,082,010 indexed records with 499,694 record images (was 649,067 records with 499,694 images), UPDATED 16-Dec-2021
Brazil, Paraná, Civil Registration, 1852-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2016194); 2,085,837 indexed records with 1,689,031 record images (was 2,085,834 records with 1,689,031 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Civil Registration, 1850-1999 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2016197); 493,240 indexed records with 1,038,133 record images (was 489,850 records with 1,038,133 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
Brazil, Paraíba, Catholic Church Records, 1731-2013 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Mexico, Nayarit, Catholic Church Records, 1596-1967 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Brazil, Paraná, Civil Registration, 1852-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Civil Registration, 1850-1999 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Argentina, Catamarca, Catholic Church Records, 1724-1971 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1974178); 95,491 indexed records with 102,718 record images (was 89,957 records with 102,718 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
United States Census, 1900 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1325221); 76,479,143 indexed records with 1,602,454 record images (was 76,479,144 records with 1,602,454 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Brazil, Paraná, Catholic Church Records, 1704-2008 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2177282); 93,945 indexed records with 138,743 record images (was 0 records with 138,743 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers (Cape Town Archives), 1660-1970 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1478678); 626,597 indexed records with 45,728 record images (was 618,833 records with 45,728 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
Mexico, Chihuahua, Catholic Church Records, 1632-1958 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1521780); 1,209,015 indexed records with 378,612 record images (was 1,033,337 records with 378,612 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
United States Census, 1900 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Brazil, Paraná, Catholic Church Records, 1704-2008 (https://familysearch.org/sear
South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers (Cape Town Archives), 1660-1970 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Mexico, Chihuahua, Catholic Church Records, 1632-1958 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Mexico, Colima, Catholic Church Records, 1707-1969 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1508604); 489,851 indexed records with 228,566 record images (was 421,735 records with 228,566 images), UPDATED 14-Dec-2021
Argentina, Corrientes, Catholic Church Records, 1734-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1974183); 398,704 indexed records with 207,943 record images (was 371,082 records with 207,943 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2021
Argentina, Córdoba, Catholic Church Records, 1557-1974 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1974182); 995,147 indexed records with 419,985 record images (was 985,215 records with 419,985 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2021
Argentina, Chubut, Catholic Church Records, 1884-1974 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1974181); 7,069 indexed records with 2,874 record images (was 5,514 records with 2,874 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2021
Argentina, Chaco, Catholic Church Records, 1882-1955 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1974180); 23,408 indexed records with 10,100 record images (was 21,991 records with 10,100 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2021
Argentina, Corrientes, Catholic Church Records, 1734-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Argentina, Córdoba, Catholic Church Records, 1557-1974 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Argentina, Chubut, Catholic Church Records, 1884-1974 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Argentina, Chaco, Catholic Church Records, 1882-1955 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Argentina, Jujuy, Catholic Church Records, 1662-1975 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1974186); 92,935 indexed records with 69,981 record images (was 76,716 records with 69,981 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2021
England, Middlesex Parish Registers, 1539-1988 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3734475); 4,659,467 indexed records with 282,605 record images (was 4,573,107 records with 278,821 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
Argentina, Capital Federal, Catholic Church Records, 1737-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1974184); 1,472,778 indexed records with 998,148 record images (was 945,982 records with 998,148 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Argentina, La Rioja, Catholic Church Records, 1714-1970 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1974188); 104,572 indexed records with 74,259 record images (was 90,812 records with 74,259 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2021
Spain, Catholic Church Records, 1307-1985 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1784529); 696,970 indexed records with 3,008,340 record images (was 696,970 records with 3,008,340 images), UPDATED 16-Dec-2021
England, Middlesex Parish Registers, 1539-1988 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Argentina, Capital Federal, Catholic Church Records, 1737-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Argentina, La Rioja, Catholic Church Records, 1714-1970 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Spain, Catholic Church Records, 1307-1985 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Find A Grave Index (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2221801); 211,861,727 indexed records with 211,861,727 record images (was 208,859,850 records with 208,859,850 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
Cuba, Church Records, 1584-1918 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4375851); 189,808 indexed records with 41,279 record images (was 152,991 records with 33,752 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2021
Missouri, Phelps, Crawford, Dent, and Washington Counties, Obituaries, 1880-1990 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4373182); 69,802 indexed records with 1,413 record images (was 69,802 records with 12 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2021
Samoa, Vital Records, 1846-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4016424); 62,088 indexed records with 188,414 record images (was 61,936 records with 184,190 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
Colombia, Catholic Church Records, 1576-2018 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1726975); 17,814,352 indexed records with 12,659,776 record images (was 14,967,923 records with 12,659,776 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
Cuba, Church Records, 1584-1918 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Missouri, Phelps, Crawford, Dent, and Washington Counties, Obituaries, 1880-1990 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Samoa, Vital Records, 1846-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Colombia, Catholic Church Records, 1576-2018 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Mexico, Tlaxcala, Catholic Church Records, 1576-1994 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1837905); 2,286,534 indexed records with 1,012,693 record images (was 1,110,891 records with 1,012,693 images), UPDATED 16-Dec-2021
South Africa, KwaZulu Natal, Vital Records, 1868-1976 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/3511741); 582,523 indexed records with 561,439 record images (was 578,397 records with 557,456 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
England Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1473016); Index only (11,415,935 records), no images (was 11,422,407 records with 0 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2021
England Marriages, 1538–1973 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1473015); Index only (11,598,879 records), no images (was 11,607,689 records with 0 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2021
England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1473014); Index only (45,418,256 records), no images (was 45,472,276 records with 0 images), UPDATED 11-Dec-2021
South Africa, KwaZulu Natal, Vital Records, 1868-1976 (https://familysearch.org/sea
England Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991 (https://familysearch.org/sea
England Marriages, 1538–1973 (https://familysearch.org/sear
England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Spain, Diocese of Cartagena, Catholic Church Records, 1503-1969 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2345225); 898,988 indexed records with 22,034 record images (was 897,905 records with 22,034 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Guatemala, Catholic Church Records, 1581-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1614809); 5,879,640 indexed records with 1,160,338 record images (was 5,462,118 records with 1,160,338 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
Mexico, Jalisco, Catholic Church Records, 1590-1979 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1874591); 10,795,147 indexed records with 5,797,486 record images (was 9,822,640 records with 5,797,486 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Argentina, Misiones, Catholic Church Records, 1874-1975 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1974190); 44,323 indexed records with 9,155 record images (was 39,810 records with 9,155 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2021
Argentina, Neuquén, Catholic Church Records, 1883-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1974191); 29,596 indexed records with 11,873 record images (was 24,347 records with 11,873 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2021
Guatemala, Catholic Church Records, 1581-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Mexico, Jalisco, Catholic Church Records, 1590-1979 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Argentina, Misiones, Catholic Church Records, 1874-1975 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Argentina, Neuquén, Catholic Church Records, 1883-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Argentina, Río Negro, Catholic Church Records, 1880-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1974192); 25,500 indexed records with 15,221 record images (was 11,268 records with 15,221 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2021
Argentina, San Juan, Catholic Church Records, 1655-1975 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1974194); 126,627 indexed records with 83,087 record images (was 114,813 records with 83,087 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2021
Argentina, Santa Fe, Catholic Church Records, 1634-1975 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1974196); 807,153 indexed records with 424,329 record images (was 804,582 records with 424,329 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2021
Argentina, Santiago del Estero, Catholic Church Records, 1581-1961 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1974197); 112,796 indexed records with 102,368 record images (was 111,707 records with 102,368 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2021
Argentina, Tucumán, Catholic Church Records, 1727-1955 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1974199); 652,508 indexed records with 184,969 record images (was 649,189 records with 184,969 images), UPDATED 13-Dec-2021
Argentina, San Juan, Catholic Church Records, 1655-1975 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Argentina, Santa Fe, Catholic Church Records, 1634-1975 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Argentina, Santiago del Estero, Catholic Church Records, 1581-1961 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Argentina, Tucumán, Catholic Church Records, 1727-1955 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Catholic Church Records, 1586-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1860864); 5,944,355 indexed records with 2,162,812 record images (was 2,651,587 records with 2,162,812 images), UPDATED 16-Dec-2021
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Catholic Church Records, 1703-1964 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1790934); 962,256 indexed records with 199,328 record images (was 373,660 records with 199,328 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
United States, War Relocation Authority centers, final accountability rosters, 1942-1946 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2729264); 152,715 indexed records with 2,106 record images (was 96,910 records with 2,106 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Oregon, Wills and Deeds, ca. 1700s-2017 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3158873); 1 indexed records with 1 record images (was 1 records with 1 images), UPDATED 10-Dec-2021
Mexico, Aguascalientes, Catholic Church Records, 1601-1962 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1502404); 968,509 indexed records with 618,532 record images (was 874,081 records with 618,532 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Catholic Church Records, 1703-1964 (https://familysearch.org/sear
United States, War Relocation Authority centers, final accountability rosters, 1942-1946 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Oregon, Wills and Deeds, ca. 1700s-2017 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Mexico, Aguascalientes, Catholic Church Records, 1601-1962 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Mexico, Coahuila, Catholic Church Records, 1627-1978 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1502401); 1,522,814 indexed records with 393,502 record images (was 1,369,454 records with 393,502 images), UPDATED 14-Dec-2021
Argentina, Buenos Aires, Catholic Church Records, 1635-1981 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1972912); 4,320,974 indexed records with 978,396 record images (was 3,271,615 records with 978,396 images), UPDATED 16-Dec-2021
Finland, Passport Registers, 1900-1920 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4139415); 32,830 indexed records with 803 record images (was 24,925 records with 198 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
England and Wales Census, 1891 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1865747); 29,048,399 indexed records with 1,281,665 record images (was 29,048,399 records with 1,281,665 images), UPDATED 14-Dec-2021
Chile, Catholic Church Records, 1710-1928 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/3405096); 6,721,525 indexed records with 823,038 record images (was 6,014,868 records with 749,304 images), UPDATED 16-Dec-2021
Argentina, Buenos Aires, Catholic Church Records, 1635-1981 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Finland, Passport Registers, 1900-1920 (https://familysearch.org/sear
England and Wales Census, 1891 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Chile, Catholic Church Records, 1710-1928 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Mexico, Michoacán, Catholic Church Records, 1555-1996 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1883388); 5,641,005 indexed records with 5,283,986 record images (was 4,945,865 records with 5,283,986 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Mexico, Distrito Federal, Catholic Church Records, 1514-1970 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1615259); 6,655,921 indexed records with 4,263,289 record images (was 6,218,213 records with 4,263,289 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
South Africa, Church of the Province of South Africa, Parish Registers, 1801-2004 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1468076); 794,262 indexed records with 355,318 record images (was 786,355 records with 355,318 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
Portugal, Portalegre, Catholic Church Records, 1859-1911 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2014755); 21,319 indexed records with 178,927 record images (was 20,884 records with 178,927 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Mexico, Veracruz, Catholic Church Records, 1590-1978 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1883382); 4,473,661 indexed records with 2,563,917 record images (was 3,899,364 records with 2,563,917 images), UPDATED 16-Dec-2021
Mexico, Distrito Federal, Catholic Church Records, 1514-1970 (https://familysearch.org/sear
South Africa, Church of the Province of South Africa, Parish Registers, 1801-2004 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Portugal, Portalegre, Catholic Church Records, 1859-1911 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Mexico, Veracruz, Catholic Church Records, 1590-1978 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Panama, Catholic Church Records, 1707-1973 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1913397); 896,191 indexed records with 240,799 record images (was 893,526 records with 240,799 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Mexico, Querétaro, Catholic Church Records, 1590-1970 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1881200); 2,310,184 indexed records with 1,380,077 record images (was 2,127,386 records with 1,380,077 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
England, Northumberland Non-Conformist Church Records, 1613-1920 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3648677); 273,669 indexed records with 31,179 record images (was 269,464 records with 30,724 images), UPDATED 17-Dec-2021
Mexico, Hidalgo, Catholic Church Records, 1546-1971 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1804358); 5,929,525 indexed records with 1,750,627 record images (was 5,455,480 records with 1,750,627 images), UPDATED 15-Dec-2021
Peru, Prelature of Yauyos-Cañete-Huarochirí, Catholic Church Records, 1665-2018 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3460240); 365,797 indexed records with 180,056 record images (was 364,881 records with 179,669 images), UPDATED 14-Dec-2021
Mexico, Querétaro, Catholic Church Records, 1590-1970 (https://familysearch.org/sea
England, Northumberland Non-Conformist Church Records, 1613-1920 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Mexico, Hidalgo, Catholic Church Records, 1546-1971 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Peru, Prelature of Yauyos-Cañete-Huarochirí, Catholic Church Records, 1665-2018 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Kiribati, Vital Records, 1890-1991 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3756784); 168,381 indexed records with 28,461 record images (was 161,920 records with 27,952 images), UPDATED 14-Dec-2021
Oklahoma, Garfield County, Obituaries, 1963-1986 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/4373179); 84,739 indexed records with 1,211 record images (was 66,878 records with 9 images), UPDATED 12-Dec-2021
Mexico, Tabasco, Catholic Church Records, 1803-1970 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/1909106); 402,863 indexed records with 121,509 record images (was 335,578 records with 121,509 images), UPDATED 14-Dec-2021
--- Collections with new images ---
Oklahoma, Garfield County, Obituaries, 1963-1986 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Mexico, Tabasco, Catholic Church Records, 1803-1970 (https://familysearch.org/sea
--- Collections with new images ---
Massachusetts, Church Records, 1630-1943 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2787822); 9,337 indexed records with 472 record images (was 9,337 records with 149 images), last updated 07-Apr-2021
--- Collections with images removed ---
--- Collections with images removed ---
Austria, Carinthia, Gurk Diocese, Catholic Church Records, 1527-1986 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2718009); 236,405 indexed records with 38,078 record images (was 236,405 records with 52,988 images), last updated 16-Nov-2021
Finland, Tax Lists, 1809-1915 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2704794); 636,278 indexed records with 7,564 record images (was 636,278 records with 10,939 images), last updated 15-Nov-2021
South Carolina, Charleston District, Bill of sales of Negro slaves, 1774-1872 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/3463015); 252,319 indexed records with 6,873 record images (was 252,319 records with 7,285 images), last updated 06-Oct-2021
England, Cambridgeshire Bishop's Transcripts, 1538-1983 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1465708); 1,108,130 indexed records with 99,461 record images (was 1,108,130 records with 114,977 images), last updated 29-Sep-2021
Germany, Rhineland, Diocese of Trier, Catholic Church Records, 1704-1957 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2790268); 2,967,130 indexed records with 294,139 record images (was 2,967,130 records with 306,393 images), last updated 03-Nov-2020
Finland, Tax Lists, 1809-1915 (https://familysearch.org/sea
South Carolina, Charleston District, Bill of sales of Negro slaves, 1774-1872 (https://familysearch.org/sea
England, Cambridgeshire Bishop's Transcripts, 1538-1983 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Germany, Rhineland, Diocese of Trier, Catholic Church Records, 1704-1957 (https://familysearch.org/sear
New Zealand, Electoral Rolls, 1865-1957 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/3662227); 9,386,609 indexed records with 83,178 record images (was 9,386,609 records with 97,391 images), last updated 06-Dec-2021
Minnesota Naturalization Records and Indexes, 1872-1962 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2632486); 88,691 indexed records with 71,604 record images (was 88,691 records with 71,738 images), last updated 26-Jul-2019
Washington, County Death Registers, 1881-1979 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/3438698); 190,767 indexed records with 2,056 record images (was 190,767 records with 2,531 images), last updated 24-Nov-2021
--- Collections with new records ---
Minnesota Naturalization Records and Indexes, 1872-1962 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Washington, County Death Registers, 1881-1979 (https://familysearch.org/sea
--- Collections with new records ---
Brazil, Pernambuco, Catholic Church Records, 1762-2002 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2177293); 869,815 indexed records with 578,073 record images (was 119,689 records with 578,073 images), last updated 10-Dec-2021
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Catholic Church Records, 1738-1952 (https://familysearch.org/sea rch/collection/2177295); 50,268 indexed records with 184,012 record images (was 914 records with 184,012 images), last updated 10-Dec-2021
Brazil, Pará, Catholic Church Records, 1930-1976 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2177288); 51,430 indexed records with 103,313 record images (was 33,094 records with 103,313 images), last updated 10-Dec-2021
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Catholic Church Records, 1714-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2177296); 491,606 indexed records with 166,596 record images (was 449,991 records with 166,596 images), last updated 10-Dec-2021
--- Collections with records removed ---
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Catholic Church Records, 1738-1952 (https://familysearch.org/sea
Brazil, Pará, Catholic Church Records, 1930-1976 (https://familysearch.org/sear
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Catholic Church Records, 1714-1977 (https://familysearch.org/sear
--- Collections with records removed ---
United States Public Records, 1970-2009 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/2199956); Index only (875,610,313 records), no images (was 875,610,321 records with 0 images), last updated 19-Aug-2020
Nevada Marriage Index, 1956-2005 (https://familysearch.org/sear ch/collection/1949338); Index only (5,069,614 records), no images (was 5,069,615 records with 0 images), last updated 19-Sep-2019
My friend and SDGS colleague, Marshall, provides this list to me from a program he wrote that compares the current FamilySearch record collections list to the previous week's list.
In order to select a specific record collection on FamilySearch, go to https://familysearch.org/search/collection/list and use the "Filter by collection name" feature in the upper left-hand corner and use keywords (e.g. "church england") to find collections with those keywords.
Each one of the collections listed above has a Research Wiki page (use the "Learn more" link). It would be very useful if the Wiki page for each collection listed the dates for when the collection was added as a new collection and the dates for major updates also.
The URL for this post is: https://www.geneamusings.com/2021/12/added-and-updated-familysearchorg_01855364046.html
Copyright (c) 2021, Randall J. Seaver
Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Share it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest using the icons below. Or contact me by email at randy.seaver@gmail.com.
Nevada Marriage Index, 1956-2005 (https://familysearch.org/sear
My friend and SDGS colleague, Marshall, provides this list to me from a program he wrote that compares the current FamilySearch record collections list to the previous week's list.
In order to select a specific record collection on FamilySearch, go to https://familysearch.org/search/collection/list and use the "Filter by collection name" feature in the upper left-hand corner and use keywords (e.g. "church england") to find collections with those keywords.
Each one of the collections listed above has a Research Wiki page (use the "Learn more" link). It would be very useful if the Wiki page for each collection listed the dates for when the collection was added as a new collection and the dates for major updates also.
The URL for this post is: https://www.geneamusings.com/2021/12/added-and-updated-familysearchorg_01855364046.html
Copyright (c) 2021, Randall J. Seaver
Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Share it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest using the icons below. Or contact me by email at randy.seaver@gmail.com.
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