Hannah Mott (1663-1732) is #711 on my Ahnentafel List, my 7th great-grandmother, who married #710 Abraham Tucker (1653-1725) in 1690, in Dartmouth, Massachusetts.
I am descended through:
* their daughter #355 Content Tucker (1695-1739) who married #354 Benjamin Wing (1698-1782) in 1722.
* their daughter #177 Abigail Wing (1734-1806) who married #176 Jonathan White (1732-1804) in 1756.
* their son, #88 Humphrey White (1757-1814) who married #89 Sibel Kirby (1764-1848) in 1786.
* their son, #44 Jonathan White (1803-1850) who married Miranda Wade (1804-1850) in 1824.
* their son #22 Henry Arnold White (1824-1885) who married Amy Oatley (1826-1864) in 1844.
* their daughter #11 Julia E. White (1848-1913) who married #10 Thomas Richmond (1848-1917) in 1868.
* their daughter #5 Alma Bessie Richmond (1882-1962) who married #4 Frederick Walton Seaver (1876-1942) in 1900.
* their son #2 Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983) married #3 Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002) in 1942.
* their son #1 Randall Jeffrey Seaver (1943-living)
1) PERSON (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Name: Hannah Mott[1–2,6]
* Alternate Name: Hannah Tucker[3-5]
* Sex: Female
* Father: Jacob Mott 1636-1711
* Mother: Joanna Slocum 1642-1727
2) INDIVIDUAL EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Birth: November 1663, Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, United States[1,6]
* Distribution: 14 January 1711/2 (about age 47), father's will proved; Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States[3]
* Distribution: 20 April 1725 (about age 61), Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States[4]
* Death: 11 February 1731/2 (about age 68), Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States[5]
3) SHARED EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Spouse 1: Abraham Tucker 1653-1725
* Marriage 1: 26 November 1690 (age 37), Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States[2,6]
* Child 1: Elizabeth Tucker 1691-1768
* Child 2: Sarah Tucker 1693-1727
* Child 3: Content Tucker 1695-1739
* Child 4: Abraham Tucker 1697-1776
* Child 5: Joanna Tucker 1699-1772
* Child 6: Ruth Tucker 1701- ????
* Child 7: Hannah Tucker 1704-1787
4) NOTES (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
The website "Early Tuckers" (https://gahimer.com/2018/03/14/early-tuckers/) has a family sketch for Abraham and Hannah (Mott) Tucker[6]. In addition, Dartmouth, Massachusetts vital records have birth and marriage records for Abraham and Hannah, and their children.
Hannah Mott was born in November 1663 in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, the first daughter and second child of Jacob and Joanna (Slocum) Mott[1].
Hannah Mott (1663-1730) married Abraham Tucker, son of Henry and Martha (--?--) Tucker, on 26 November 1690 in Dartmouth, Massachusetts Bay, as his second wife[2]. Abraham and Hannah (Mott) Tucker had seven children, all born and recorded in Dartmouth:
* Elizabeth Tucker (1691-1768), married 1715 James Barker (1691-1749).
* Sarah Tucker (1693-1727), married 1714 Edward Wing (1687-1734).
* Content Tucker (1695-1739), married 1722 Benjamin Wing (1698-1782).
* Abraham Tucker (1697-1776), married (1) 1722 Elizabeth Russell (1705-1724);(2) 1728 Hannah Hall (1700-1731).
* Joanna Tucker (1699-1772), married 1726 John Russell (1686-1747).
* Ruth Tucker (1701-????).
* Hannah Tucker (1704-1787), married 1734 James Greene (1701-1789).
Abraham and Hannah (Mott) Tucker were Quakers, and resided in Dartmouth for the rest of their lives.
Hannah's father, Jacob Mott of Portsmouth, died testate, having written a will dated 31 January 1710/11, which was proved 14 January 1711/12[3]. The will mentions wife Johannah Mott; sons Jacob Mott and Samuel Mott; daughters Hannah Tucker, Elizabeth Gould, Marcy (or Mary) Cook, and Sarah Wordell.
Abraham Tucker died on March 16, 1724/1725 in Dartmouth, Massachusetts Bay. He died testate, having written a will dated 20 November 1724, and proved 20 April 1725 in Bristol County, Massachusetts Probate Court[4]. His will bequeathed to his wife Hannah:
"Item I give & bequeath to Hannah my well beloved Wife my Two Best feather beds with all the furniture thereto belonging with all my plate & Silver money also one third Part of all my within dore househould goodsfor house keeping (Except onely the Remaining Part of my beds and beding, to be disposed of as she Shall See Cause forever. I also give to my wife Dureing the Time that she shall Remain my widdow the whole of my now Dwelling house where I now dwell or live in: & also the Two Best Cows in my stock of Cattel: & also the fruit of five Apple Trees shuch as she shall make Choice of Yearly in my orchard: also do dive and bequeath unto her my sd. wife Sixteen Pounds money or bills of Credit yearly to be Paid unto her by my Executor hereafter Named so long as she shall Remain my widdow as aforsaid and no Longer: And also my said Executor shall Provide her with fire wood Cut fit for the fire always Ready at the Dore: and shall Keep her Two Cows & one horse hind(?) Winter Summer fit for use & Service; and to let her my said wife have one Barrill of Syder Every Year all which I give unto said wife Dureing her widdowhood as aforsaid and no Longer: I also Give & Bequeath unto said wife Hannah one horse Hind(?) such as she shall make Choice of out of my stock of horse hind(?): & be disposed of as she shall see Cause with Saddle & Bridle therewith: all which I give unto my said Wife Hannah In Luo of her Thirds or Dower and my will is that when my Wife shall marry or Decease & then what is herein given to her dureing her widdowhood Shall belong to my Executor hereafter Named and to his heires & assignes forever."
The Dartmouth Friends record book says[5]:
"Hannah Tucker wife of Abraham Tucker departed this life the 11th day of the 12th month 1731."The death date in the Gregorian calendar was therefore 11 February 1731/2 in Dartmouth at age 68. She may have been buried in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, but there is no extant burial record for her.
1. James N. Arnold, Vital Record of Rhode Island, 1636-1850, First Series, Births, Marriages and Deaths : a Family Register for the People (Providence, R.I.: Narragansett Historical Publishing Co., 1891-1912), Volume 7, Rhode Island Friends' Records, Births, page 68 (image 115 of 681), Hannah Mott birth entry, November 1663.
2. Vital records of Dartmouth, Massachusetts, to the year 1850 ( Boston, Mass. : New England Historic Genealogical Society,1929-1930), Marriages, page 515, Abraham Tucker and Hana Mott marriage entry, 26 November 1690.
3. Nellie M.C. Beaman, "Abstracts of Portsmouth, R.I. Wills," Rhode Island Genealogical Register, Volume 5, number 1 (July 1982), page 224, Jacob Mott probate abstract; original records in "Portsmouth Town Council and Probate, Volume 2, 1697-1725".
4. Bristol County [Mass.] Register of Probate, Bristol County (Mass.) Probate Records, 1686-1880, American Ancestors (https://www.americanancestors.org), "Bristol 26000-27999)," Estate file 26,394 (10 pages), Abraham Tucker of Dartmouth, 1725.
5. Monthly meeting records, Births - Marriages - Deaths 1699 - 1880, Society of Friends, Dartmouth Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends : Dartmouth, Mass.), page 712, Hannah Tucker death record, "wife of Abraham Tucker, departed this life 11th day of 12 month 1731".
6. Fred Gahimer, "Early Tuckers," website, Gahimer.com (https://gahimer.com/2018/03/14/early-tuckers/), Abraham Tucker family sketch.
52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks on the No Story Too Small blog. I have extended this theme in 2022 to 468 Ancestors in 468 Weeks.
The URL for this post is: https://www.geneamusings.com/2022/08/52-ancestors-week-441-711-hannah-mott.html
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