It's Saturday Night -
1) What are you reading this summer? Does it help your genealogy research? [Thank you to Linda Stufflebean for suggesting topics!]
2) Write your own blog post, or add your response as a comment to this blog post, in a Facebook Status post or note.
Here's mine:
I read physical books or ebooks while watching Padres games, game shows, sitcoms or news shows on TV. Watching TV and reading books at the same time seems like a good use of my recliner time (the doctors told me to spend more time with my feet up), especially for the baseball games which have three second spurts of action, and 30 seconds of no action.
My brother-in-law gifted me the David McCullough book The Pioneers about the early settlement of Ohio, focusing on Marietta. I finished this book last week and learned a lot about the important people, the geography and development of Ohio along the Ohio River.
I occasionally download Kindle books to my laptop using Amazon and paying a small price for 5 to 10 hours of reading pleasure. During this last year, I have read a number of genealogy-related fiction books by M.J. Lee (Jayne Sinclair mysteries) and Steve Robinson (Jefferson Tayte mysteries), most of them set in England. Currently, I'm reading The American Candidate by M.J. Lee. I look forward to the next Nathan Dylan Goodwin book due out at the end of October.
I needed a physical book for my bedtime and insomnia reading, so I am reading Generations by Strauss and Howe again. I first read this book in the 1990s, and remember the basic tenets of it, but wanted to read the details again and see how their predictions for the future worked out.
All of these family history and genealogy-related books add to my knowledge base about history, settlements, migration, research techniques, etc.
My book list:
I love to read!
Scholarly reading for me this summer!
I haven't started a genealogy blog yet. It might happen. But I enjoy seeing what other genealogists do.
Do you ever choose a historical fiction based on your own family locations? What other ways do you choose your fictional books that relate to genealogy?
I am starting a research and writing class tomorrow at the university where I retired from (IU Southeast) called The Historian's Craft. We will be readying The Pursuit of History and I imagine I will get some ideas there as well.
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