Samuel Gray (1682-1712) is #742 on my Ahnentafel List, my 7th great-grandfather, who married #743 Deborah Church (1677-1752) in 1699 in Little Compton, Rhode Island.
1) PERSON (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
"In the Name of God Amen The twentyeth day of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred & twelve I Samuel Grey of Little compton in the County of Bristoll in her Majesties Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England, yeoman, being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind & memory Thanks be given to God therefore Calling to mind the Mortallity of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye Do make & ordain this my Last will and Testament That is to say Principally and first of all I give & recomend my soule into the hands of God that gave it & my body I Recommend unto Earth to be buried in Decent & Christian mann-r at ye Discresion of my Exect-r, Nothing doubting but at the general Resurection I shall Receive the same by the Almighty power of God. And as Touching my worldly Estate wherew-th it has pleased God to bless me in this life I give & Devise & Dispose of the same in the following maner and form."Imp's. I give and bequeath unto Deborah Grey my Dearly Beloved wife the Improvem't of my whole Estate both Real and personall for her own and her Childrens maintenance so long as she haves my name or Remaines my widow and do allso Constitute make & ordain Her and my beloved brother Thomas Grey Joynt Executors of this my last will & Testament. Item my will is y't if my wife after my decease do see cause to Marry again that then she shall have one hundred pounds Currant money of this Province payd to her out of my Estate and shall quit her Right, tithe, interest & ronrom [?] to & with any of the rest of my Estate."Item. My will is that after my wives Marrying or Deceaseing the whole of my Estate Excepting the one Hundred pounds given unto her be divided among my Children in man'r and form following, viz. I give to my Eldest & beloved son Samuel Gray three Hundred pounds. Item I give to my Beloved son Simeon Grey one Hundred pounds. Item I give to my Beloved son Ignatius Grey one Hundred pounds. I give to my Beloved Daughter Dorothy one Hundred pounds. Item I give to my Beloved Daughter Lidiah one Hundred pounds."Item My will is that if my Estate be found worth more than Eight Hundred pounds after all my lawfull debts and funerall charges are payd that the Residue be equally divided between my two youngest son Simeon & Ignatius."Item My will is that my Execut'rs may when they see cause make sale of my Estate Either Reall or personall for money provided the principall be well served for my Children."Item I do Constitute and appoint my Loveing friends Mr William Pabodie Cap't John Palmer & my Brother John Church to be Overseers of this my last will & Testament and do hereby oblige my Executors (if they sell my lands) to take the Advice & Consent of my overseers in Secureing & Improveing of the money. And I do hereby Disallow, Revoke & Disannull all & every other former Testaments wills Legacies bequests & Executors by me in any wayes before named willed or bequeathed Rattifying & Confirming this and no other to be my Last will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have set to my hand and seal the day and year above written."Signed sealed published & declaredby the said Samuel Gray as his last will Samuel Gray (seal)& Testament in the presence of us thewittnesses
Edward GreyJonathan HoodRichard Billings"
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