Welcome to Genealogy Education Bytes, posted on Wednesday afternoon for the past week, where we try to highlight the most important genealogy and family history education items that came across our desktop since the last issue.
1) Upcoming Conferences, Institutes and Seminars
* SCGS Genetic Genealogy 2023 Conference Registration is Open - 31 March to 2 April 2023, Virtual and in-person (Burbank, Calif.)
* Ohio Genealogical Society (OGS) 2023 Conference - 26-29 April 2023, Virtual and In-Person (Sandusky, Ohio)
* New England Regional Genealogy Consortium (NERGC) 2023 Conference - 3-6 May 2023, In-Person only (Springfield, Mass.)
* 2023 National Genealogical Society (NGS) Family History Conference -- 31 May to 3 June 2023, Virtual and In-Person (Richmond, Virginia).
2 ) Upcoming Seminars, Webinars and Online Classes (times are US Pacific):
* Family Tree Webinars - Wednesday, 8 March, 5 p.m.: Written in Stone: In-Depth Study of a Gravestone, by Gena Philibert-Ortega
3) Recent Podcasts/Radio Shows:
* Ancestral Findings: AF-719: Indiana: American Folklore, Part 14 | Ancestral Findings Podcast
* Ancestral Findings: AF-720: Iowa: American Folklore, Part 15 | Ancestral Findings Podcast
* Ancestral Findings: AF-721: Barbara Pierce Bush: America's First Ladies, Part 41 | Ancestral Findings Podcast
* Ancestral Findings: AF-722: Hillary Rodham Clinton: America’s First Ladies, Part 42 | Ancestral Findings Podcast
* Ancestral Findings: AF-723: Connecticut: The State Capitals, Part 7 | Ancestral Findings Podcast
* Family Tree Magazine: Finding the Maiden Names of Female Ancestors – An Interview with Shelley Bishop
* Research Like a Pro: RLP 242: RLP with DNA 5 - Source Citations
4) Recent YouTube and Facebook Videos:
* Aimee Cross -- Genealogy Hints: Your guide to FamilySearch (Maybe the best FREE genealogy resource)
* BYU Family History Library: Reclaim the Records/Internet Archive - Jerroleen Sorensen (26 Feb 2023)
* BYU Family History Library: Finding Your Ancestors' Descendants - James Tanner (26 Feb 2023)
* Data Mining DNA: Where Did GEDCOM Come From?
* Family History Fanatics: Visual Phasing with a Twist - Segment Phasing (2023 UPDATE)
* Family History Fanatics: AWESOME Clues About My Ancestor's Story From Timelines - Genealogy Tip
* Family Tree Magazine: How to Find Your Ancestors for Free | Family Tree Magazine
* FamilySearch: Road to RootsTech Episode 7: Salt Palace and Website Tour
* Goldie May: Goldie May's new features for RootsTech 2023!
* Lifelines Research: Setting The Record Straight: Episode 7 - FamilySearch Provides The Answer...
* Lisa Louise Cooke: Self Publish Your Book! Important things to keep in mind and pitfalls to avoid.
* MyHeritage: CBC News: Sisters Reunite Thanks to MyHeritage DNA Quest
* National Genealogical Society: NGS MemberConnects! 22 March 2023 on the USCIS Fee Increase Proposal
* Storied_Social: Write a Story with StoryAssist™
* The Creative Family Historian: What I learned from writing a family history book in 10 days
* Write Your Family History: Should You Revise a Previously Published Genealogy Book?
5) Did you miss the last post in this series - Genealogy Education Bytes - 16 to 22 February 2023?
The URL for this post is: https://www.geneamusings.com/2023/03/genealogy-education-bytes-week-of-23.html
Copyright (c) 2023, Randall J. Seaver
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Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Share it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest using the icons below. Or contact me by email at randy.seaver@gmail.com.
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