Friday, April 27, 2007

WorldVitalRecords at LDS facilities

Leland Meitzler at the Everton's GenealogyBlog has it on good authority that the databases at will be available for FREE at all LDS facilities. Leland's post notes:

"World Vital Records online research service, which includes the content of the Everton Genealogical Library, will now be available, without charge, at each of the LDS Church’s Family History Centers.

"That’s 3,400 worldwide Centers and the Family History Library here in Salt Lake City! The ramifications of so much free access to WVR and Everton data will be huge. Remember, all the Everton Genealogical Helper magazines (60 years worth) and Family Group Sheets/Pedigree Charts are indexed and available on WVR. Over 250 distinctly different newspapers from small communities across the country are now accessible free of charge at the Family History Centers through WVR. Everton Collection books are scanned and posted continuously on the WVR website. Numerous datasets available nowhere else are found on WVR as well as data from Google Books, the National Archives and other governmental agencies."

Now that is wonderful news. The genealogy company whose goal is to be Number 2 just made a very shrewd and generous move to provide genealogy data to many researchers. Bravo!

My opinion is that the real jewel in this collection is the Family Group Sheets and Pedigree Charts from the Everton collection. They may contain unique records that are not available anywhere else - people submitted them to Everton's, and the collection has not been available to many researchers. I'm not sure that 60 years of the Everton's Genealogical Helper magazine queries will be that useful - they are queries, not answers. They may provide contacts for researchers, but the submitter addresses may be outdated.

As WorldVitalRecords adds even more content, the whole collection will become even more important and useful to all researchers.

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