Thursday, April 1, 2010

Got a gig!!!

We are stuck in Fiji and can't get back to the States. Umm, we really don't want to come back to the States. Life here at the resort is so beautiful and peaceful.

The management here has seen the value of genealogical tourism (after I explained the market size by showing them Dick Eastman's column), and offered me a position of "genealogy consultant" here at the resort, and I accepted the offer. Linda was offered a position as a swimming teacher too.

My duties will be promoting genealogy tourism to Fiji, teaching beginning genealogy classes occasionally, and helping tourists with their ancestral search using Internet resources. What a great gig! And I get paid to do this, plus all of the coconut milk and Fijian dancing girls I can watch.

Unfortunately, this means that the Genea-Musings blog will go on hiatus so that I can attend to my onerous duties. But I'm sure that all of my readers will understand!

Hey, please come visit!

UPDATED: Turns out that Fiji has an onerous work permit process for non-natives, and so they hustled us onto the airplane bound for Los Angeles late on 1 April. I couldn't get to a computer until Friday morning. Don't they know that genealogy research is not work, but fun?


Dean Richardson said...

Ha Ha! Happy April Fools' Day to you too, Randy!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Happy April Fool's Day!! It IS beautiful there.

Sheri Fenley said...

Is Fijian a real word?

I'll have some of whatever it is you're imbibing in!

See you in Salt Lake City!

Greta Koehl said...

Happy April Fools! (Do your GeneaBlogging buddies get free genealogy trips to Fiji?)

Anonymous said...

*gasp!* April 1 already???


Despite being April 1, the thought sounds rather interesting. Genealogy tourism consultants in interesting places. Sounds like a win-win to me. Enjoy your trip!