Saturday, April 29, 2006

Genealogy meets CSI in Chula Vista

Dr. Colleen Fitzpatrick spoke at a s special meeting of the Chula Vista Genealogical Society today. Her talk was on "Forensic Genealogy," which is based on her book by the same name. Her book, and much of her data, were highlighted in the cover article "Genealogy Meets CSI" in the April 2006 issue of Family Tree Magazine.

Colleen's talk today was excellent - she led us through being a "Photo Detective" to being a "Database Detective" to finally being a "DNA Detective." If you have not had the pleasure of seeing her presentation, please make an effort to do so.

Colleen will be presenting two talks (on "Forensic Genealogy" and "DNA & Genealogy" at the Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree in Burbank CA on 6 May, and will be making both presentations at the San Diego Genealogical Society on 13 May.

Colleen has a fascinating web site - called (who could guess?) Forensic Genealogy. In addition to information about her books, she has several pages about her photo and database detective techniques with examples. Perhaps the most intriguing part of her web site is the Contest page, where readers are invited to answer her weekly quiz and receive valuable prizes.

We enjoyed hosting Colleen and her co-author, Andrew Yeiser, at our meeting today. Our members enjoyed the presentation, and the discussion afterwards.

Visit her web site and answer the weekly quiz.

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