Saturday, April 14, 2007

It's Carnival time again

Do you participate in the Carnival of Genealogy? Or read it? I hope so. Many genea-bloggers provide their priceless musings or deep thoughts on the subject at hand. Jasia at has hosted most of the Carnivals of Genealogy - you can read many of them here. You can submit an article for the current Carnival at

The current topic is "Carousel" which means anything that a genea-blogger wants to submit. This presents a problem to me - I can't remember all the good posts, the funny posts, the sentimental posts, so I went looking for help in my blog Archives. I could submit:

1) Treasures in the Closet

2) Why Do I Pursue My Family History?

3) My Personal Data Disaster Plan

4) Their Odyssey - to San Diego

5) My Favorite Snake Oil Salesman

6) I Am My Own Grandpa - lyrics plus pedigree chart

7) 30th Street Memories - only one part so far

8) The To-Do List for Online Searching for Cornelia Bresee's parents

9) Five Things You don't Know About Me - here are all the ones by genea-bloggers that I found

10) Della's Journal - I've completed 15 weeks of the 1929 Journal of my great-grandmother Della (Smith) Carringer.

As I said - it's hard to choose one, so I listed 10. Which one should I submit? You'll have to wait and see after April 18.

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