Thursday, May 31, 2007

Table of Consanguinity

I've heard the term "Consanguinity" before, but have never really understood it. The definition of it is at It appears that there is a difference between "common and canon law" and "civil law."

When I checked the article about the genealogy butler on the newspaper website, there was an advertisement for International Genealogical Search Inc. ( - an heir search company that claims 97% success and a guarantee of success or you don't pay on "standard searches." I followed the link and eventually found a Table of Consanguinity at I downloaded it and printed it out for future use. This chart is used for Civil Law.

Clicking around the Heirsearch site I found this testimonial:

"We just sent our petition for distribution of the estate to the court filing. We never would have been able to get this far without all of your assistance. You lifted a great burden from our shoulders when you assumed the responsibility of reporting on all of the deceased's heirs (395 heirs). It has been a pleasure dealing with such a professional, yet friendly and understanding group of people." -- Probate Assistant, Fullerton, California.

I'm sure that most of the heir search firms have testimonials like this, but the number - 395 heirs - really stood out to me! I wonder what the record for number of heirs found is?

Please note that I don't have an interest in this firm - I just found the chart and thought the quote was interesting.

I'm still not sure that I understand how the degree of consanguinity is calculated but now I know the definition and have a chart!


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