Genealogy-related blogs continue to crop up with regularity, and Chris Dunham tries to capture all of them at his Genealogy Blog Finder (over 630 are now on his list).
Some of the most recent blogs that I have subscribed to via Bloglines (I have about 145 on my list now) include:
* Creative Genealogy by Jasia - "If you're interested in taking your genealogy to the next level, come join me in exploring creative ways to share your family's history." This is a "beautiful" blog!
* Unofficial Footnote Blog - "Highlighting Features, News and Content of"
* Connecticut Ancestor Connections - "Visit here to share ancestral news in and around Connecticut. Discovering the Past to Connect with the Future!"
* Passing it On - "A site dedicated to preserving, celebrating and sharing family and personal history."
* The G Files - "The truth is out there."
* ephemera - "exploring the world of old paper"
* Exploring Rootsweb - "and making web pages"
* Jessica's Genejournal - "A blog that posts information on genealogy and historical research."
* The Genetic Genealogist - "Adding DNA to the Genealogist’s Toolbox"
These are all fairly new (to me), and have fairly regular postings. If you have some time, go visit each of these and support genealogy bloggers worldwide.
There are now over 30 genealogy or historical societies on the Genealogy Blogfinder - including our Chula Vista Genealogy Cafe!
Do you have a genealogy blog with regular postings that I have missed? Please let me know and I will add you to my Bloglines list and my Blog roll.
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
Thank you very much for the link, and for reading! I'm glad you're enjoying The Genetic Genealogist. I also enjoy your writing, and have been a subscriber for some time now. Thank you again!
Thanks, Randy. I always appreciate finding new worthwhile blogs. If only I could stick to genealogy (or *any* topic) on my own blog. I'm just too random for that.
Thank you, Randy, for listing my blog on your blog.
Thanks, Randy, for finding my personal history blog, Passing It On. Although it's not genealogy, strictly speaking, we're close cousins! I'm grateful, too, for the links. Thank you.
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