Just checking in to see if everybody has turned my lights out yet. As devoted readers know, Linda and I are on a week's mission to parent our grandsons and teach them more family history - and to help out my daughter who went to NC to greet her Marine hubby home from Iraq. They are doing well...we're glad.
"Almost wordless?" Well, she left the computer on for us and we've been managing to keep up with email and things, but it's a struggle to get more than an hour online because of the demands of the little guys. I made 5 car trips today - take Lucas to school and back, take Logan for a ride and back, take Logan to his music class and back (we had a nice Frostie too!), pick up Lucas at school and back, and rush to the store for halibut for dinner. When we got back from Lucas school, we found the computer haywire. What's up with that? I rebooted but it wanted a login and password along with an authentication fingerprint. Hmmm. Maybe I'm going to be wordless today...and the rest of the week. When we talked to my daughter, she told me the password and we're back online, but I was rummaging through the schedule to find an hour each day to go to an Internet cafe or library.
So it wasn't Wordless Wednesday after all. Tomorrow is our special day with Lucas while Logan is in school - we're going to the beach and run the dog. Linda and I plan to go out to dinner tomorrow night - my daughter's friend will babysit and put the boys to bed. We go pick up my daughter on Saturday - the boys will be really (I mean rreeeaaaallllllyyyyyyy) happy to see her. I'll probably have to drive home because she will be overwhelmed by the love. We go home on Sunday. We're looking forward to our own bed, more time online, and peace and quiet. Grandparenting is great one day at a time. 8 days in a row is really hard with these two little guys.
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
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