Here is Paula's post on several California county mailing lists:
May 1. That's the deadline for early-bird discounts for Jamboree.Registrations are coming in fast and we are looking at a very successful event. Even so, tickets are still available for the meals and special events. Register online today at
Or download a copy of the registration form and postmark it by Thursday, May 1
1. Individuals who register by end of the day on Thursday, May 1, will receive the early-bird registration discount. Register early and save.
2. Early-Bird registrants are assured of receiving a FREE printed copy of the syllabus. Later registrants and walk-ins will receive a syllabus on CD.
There will be a limited number of copies of the syllabus available for purchase at Jamboree for $10, but don't take a chance if you want a print copy.
3. Additional discounts are available for SCGS members. Why not join the Society when you register for Jamboree and enjoy the benefits of membership all year around?
4. Several new activities have been added since our program was mailed out in March. If you missed the announcements, here are some quick notes:
* A FREE Introduction to Genealogy session will be held on Friday morning, June 27, from 9am to 12 noon at the Marriott. Beverly Truesdale of SCGS will be teaching that course. Register through the SCGS shopping cart or call the Library at 818-843-7247 to save your place. Registration is limited to 80 people.
* A FREE Kids' Genealogy Camp will also be held Friday morning, June 27, from 9am to 12 noon at the Marriott. Starr Hailey Campbell, Hailey J. Campbell and Michael Melendez will be teaching the course. We already have 11 registered for the class, with a 30-child limit. It's a great way to introduce the grandkids to family history. Register through the SCGS shopping cart or call the Library at 818-843-7247 to save your place.
* A personal guided tour of Hollywood Forever will be offered on Friday morning, June 27, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. An air-conditioned Starline Tours bus will pick you up at the Marriott; and Karie Bible, Hollywood Forever historian, will provide a personal walking tour of the famed Hollywood Cemetery. Cost is $30 and you can register online through the shopping cart or by mail or phone.
* A special appearance by members of the Guild of St. Michael, 16th century German mercenaries, accompanied by most of their weapons and some of their ladies, will welcome all attendees on Saturday morning. The group, including a "barber/physician"
..and if that's not enough...
We'll even have an Oom-pah-pah band on Friday!
* Do you need a vintage photo repaired or duplicated for a cousin? Longtime Jamboree exhibitors Claire and Mike Daigle of Photos Made Perfect will be there to help. Ask them to scan your photos on Saturday.
* Bring your GEDCOM or electronic genealogy file and have beautiful pedigree charts printed while you wait. Print a chart for yourself, or plan ahead and have some printed for family gifts. Stop at the Generations Maps booth and leave Jamboree with a family treasure. Then, why not donate your family genealogy file to SCGS for safekeeping.
Paula does a great job of keeping everybody informed about deadlines and Jamboree highlights. If you're planning to attend, be sure to sign up now!
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