Saturday, May 3, 2008

47th Carnival of Genealogy is Posted - A Place Called Home

Jasia posted the latest Carnival of Genealogy on her Creative Gene blog - the post is at The topic for this edition is : A Place Called Home. We're taking a look at the towns and villages, cities and counties, where our ancestors lived. Come along on a trip across two continents as we explore the fields and streams, mountains and valleys, where our families' roots were planted. I think you'll be amazed at the diversity of culture and lifestyle among our ancestors in their home towns.

There are 32 separate postings from 13 US states and nine European countries (or parts of countries). As always, Jasia does a wonderful job summarizing each post. Mu post was about Leominster, Massachusetts.

One of the very best things about the Carnival is that "new" bloggers submit items to it - while they may have been blogging for months or even years, there were three blogs that were "new to me" - All My Branches Genealogy, Kate's Family Tree and Echo Hills Ancestors Weblog. I added them to my Bloglines so I won't miss a post.

The topic for the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy is: Mom, how'd you get so smart? We'll examine our mothers' education. What schools did your mom attend? Did she graduate high school or attend the school of hard knocks? Did she attend a one room school house or was she home-schooled? Was she the first in the family to attend college? Maybe your mom took self-study courses or was an avid reader. Tell us all about how a mother figure (mother, grandmother, mother in law, godmother, etc.) in your life became so brilliant! The deadline for submissions is May 15th.

Submit your blog article to the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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