I've spent part of the afternoon browsing the databases at www.Footnote.com.
Footnote.com has 393 databases online now, some are only partially completed. But there is a significant wealth of information on the web site.
There are quite a few FREE databases on Footnote.com, to wit:
* American Colonization Society - Correspondence and other documents relating to the American Colonization Society, 1792-1964, an organization best known for its role in founding Liberia.
* American Milestone documents - View images of original documents representing some of the most historic milestones in United States history.
* Amistad - Federal court documents -- NARA M1753. The district and circuit court records pertaining to the claims of salvage for the Spanish schooner Amistad, seized in 1839 by the US Navy
* Amistad - Supreme Court records -- NARA M2012. This Supreme Court case deals with issues of salvage of the Amistad, a ship carrying slaves seized by the US Navy in 1839, and popularized in a 1997 movie.
* Brady Civil War Photos -- NARA T252. Mathew B Brady coordinated a team of photographers to help him document the Civil War, resulting in over 5,600 portraits, landscapes, and battle scenes.
* Constitutional Convention Records -- NARA M866. Journals of proceedings, early drafts, and other papers relating to the formation of the US Constitution.
* Continental Congress - Papers -- NARA M247. The correspondence, journals, committee reports, and records of the Continental Congress (1774-1789).
* Continental Congress - Misc -- NARA M332. These documents were misplaced, overlooked, or found in private hands when the records of the Papers of the Continental Congress were first arranged in 1834.
* Custer's Court Martial -- NARA T1103. This 352-page publication contains documents relating to the 1867 court martial of George Armstrong Custer at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
* Domestic Letters of the Department of State -- NARA M40. Copies of miscellaneous letters sent from the US State Department between 1784 and 1906.
* FBI Case Files -- NARA M1085. Before it was called the FBI, the Bureau of Investigation investigated real and perceived threats to the nation and its citizens
* Foreign Letters of the Continental Congress -- NARA M61. Copies of letters sent from the US Department of State and The Continental Congress to ministers and consuls abroad.
* George Washington Correspondence -- NARA M570. Copies of letters sent by President Washington, primarily to Secretaries of State John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, Edmund Randolph, and Timothy Pickering.
* Gorrell's History - AEF Air Service -- NARA M990. Historical narratives, reports, photographs, and other records that document administrative, technical, and tactical activities of the Air Service in the American Expeditionary Forces during World War I.
* Hesse Crown Jewels Court Martial -- NARA M1899. Trial records of three American officers charged with stealing $2.5 million in jewels and property from Kronberg Castle in 1945.
* Japanese Air Target Analysis -- NARA M1653. World War II Japanese air target analyses, objectives, and aerial photographs, 1942-45, from the records of the US Strategic Bombing Survey.
* Lincoln Assassination Papers -- NARA M599. Reports, correspondence, and testimony of persons connected with the Lincoln assassination trial. Also exhibits, court martial proceedings, and contemporary issues of the Daily National Intelligencer.
* Pennsylvania Archives -- The Pennsylvania State Archives published 10 series of historical records in 138 volumes, covering the initial colonial settlement through the Civil War.
* Photos - Coolidge -- NARA M867. About 400 captioned photographs taken before, during, and after the presidency of Calvin Coolidge, 30th president of the United States
* Photos - Eisenhower -- NARA M868. About 500 captioned photographs taken before and during the presidency of Dwight D Eisenhower, 34th president of the United States.
* Photos - Fine Arts Commission -- NARA M1148. General Photographs of the Fine Arts Commission (Series G), ca. 1650-1950.
* Photos - Roosevelt -- NARA M865. About 650 captioned photographs taken before and during the presidency of Franklin D Roosevelt, 32nd president of the United States.
* Photos - Truman -- NARA M835. About 1,000 captioned photographs taken before, during, and after the presidency of Harry S Truman, 33rd president of the United States.
* Photos - WW II Japanese -- NARA M1733. Photographs of Japanese Soldiers and of Allied Prisoners of War, 1942-1945.
* Vietnam War Photos - Marine Corps -- US Defense Department photos of activities in Vietnam, including aerial views, Vietnamese civilians, weapons, combat scenes, and other actions and people. Mostly color, some black & white, captioned.
* Project Bluebook - UFO Investigations -- NARA T1206. Records and case files relating to investigations, collected by the Office of Special Investigations, of sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs).
* Ratified Amendments to the U.S. Constitution -- NARA M1518. These records from sixteen rolls of NARA microfilm relate to each constitutional amendment as ratified by state legislatures.
* Town Records - Goffstown NH -- Published annual reports for the town of Goffstown, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, selected years 1890-1900.
* Town Records - Hancock NH -- Handwritten records for the town of Hancock, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire; also includes church records and Records of the Union Association of Ministers, 1812-1839.
* Town Records - South Boston VA -- Minute books for the City of South Boston, Halifax County, Virginia, for the years 1905-1925 and 1949-1999.
* Vietnam Veterans Memorial -- Every-name searchable image of The Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the "Wall," in Washington, DC.
* WWII U.S. Air Force Photos -- This series of photographic images documents an important era in US military aviation history, especially activities of the US Air Force during World War II.
* WWII Naval Press Clippings -- NARA P2012. Newspaper clippings relating to the activities of the 13th Naval District and its personnel from World War II through 1960.
Almost all of these are historical records from the National Archives with not much genealogy content, but a genealogist researcher might find a gem in them.
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
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