Monday, September 15, 2008

5th Smile for the Camera posted - Crowning Glory!

Who knew that there were so many different styles of hair, and hair coverings? Well, the footnoteMaven knew, and her 5th Smile for the Camera carnival post displays all of them in their crowning glory on fM's Shades of the Departed blog..

There are 52 submitters of 54 blog posts in this monthly Carnival with the theme of "Crowning Glory." I submitted two blog posts - Ada Woodward - isn't she beautiful? (the best head of hair in my photo collection) and Family Photographs - Post 22: The Boys (my brothers and I in about 1948).

The next Smile for the Camera Carnival will be hosted by Becky Wiseman on the Kinexxions blog. The theme will be Funny Bone. Show us that picture that never fails to bring a smile to your face! An amusing incident, a funny face, an unusual situation. Share! Choose a photograph of an ancestor, relative, yourself, or an orphan photograph that tickles your Funny Bone and bring it to the carnival. Admission is free with every photograph!

Your submission may include as many or as few words as you feel are necessary to describe your treasured photograph. Those words may be in the form of an expressive comment, a quote, a journal entry, a poem (your own or a favorite), a scrapbook page, or a heartfelt article. The choice is yours!

Deadline for submission is midnight (PT) 10 October, 2008.

HOW TO SUBMIT: Use the handy submission form provided by Blog Carnival, or select the Bumper Sticker in the upper right hand corner.

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