I downloaded the September-October 2008 issue of Everton's Genealogical Helper magazine the other day, and read through most of the articles. The Table of Contents includes:
page 10 -- Musings and Gleanings from the World of History and Genealogy,
by Richard Hooverson. Mr. Hooverson writes about Bare-Knuckle politics, the Port of Cuxhaven, Germany; the value of county histories, the Depression and the World’s Fairs and Expositions of the 1930s.
by Richard Hooverson. Mr. Hooverson writes about Bare-Knuckle politics, the Port of Cuxhaven, Germany; the value of county histories, the Depression and the World’s Fairs and Expositions of the 1930s.
page 16 -- Figuring Dates When No Birth or Death Records Exist, by Jennifer Sheppard. Jennifer writes about how to figure out dates, be they nearly exact or “circa,” for those genealogical events for which no birth or death documents are available.
page 20 -- Sounds and Family History, by Loretta Evans. Loretta writes about how sound plays into family history—especially the music and voices of the past.
page 24 -- Hole in the Wall Genealogy, by Thomas Fiske. Tom writes of the genealogical adventure sparked by once again looking at a longforgotten letter that spent most of its life encased in the wall of an 1859 home.
page 28 -- The Sinnett Genealogies, by Donna Potter Phillips. Charles Nelson Sinnett (1847-1928) typed genealogical manuscripts on over 200 families. This information is available for your research today.
page 30 -- Whereas, by Jeffrey Bockman. Jeff tells about a source that he ran across twice within a month. Many local and state governments, educational institutions, and professional organizations create Memorial Resolutions to honor deceased citizens, friends, and members. These sources are detailed in this article.
page 36 -- Scandinavian Research: Scandinavia—Questions & Answers, by Ruth Ellen Maness, AG
page 40 -- Germanic Research: The Rhenisch Open Air Museum in Kommern, Germany, by Dave Obee
page 44 -- Relatively Speaking: The Mystery of Fred Bullard, by Michael Siciliano.
page 44 - Bless Those In-Laws! by Margaret G. Irwin
page 46 -- Ancestor Stories for the Soul: About the Kindness of Strangers, by Peter Summers.
page 52 -- Beginner’s Corner: Women’s Roles in U.S. Military History, by Donna Potter Phillips
page 54 -- The Next Generation: The Art of the Oral Interview, by Hailey J. Campbell.
page 58 -- News to Peruse: News briefs for genealogists.
page 68 -- Computer Helper: CD-ROM Reviews, by Leland K. Meitzler
page 75 -- Net Family History: The Best British Commonwealth Sites
on the Net, by Jeffrey A. Bockman.
on the Net, by Jeffrey A. Bockman.
page 108 -- On the Bookshelf: Description of new books for genealogists.
page 128 -- Bureau of Missing Ancestors:
page 146 -- On the Horizon: Calendar of upcoming events.
page 160 -- Marketplace: Classified advertisements.
page 166 -- Surname Index: Entries indicate the first instance within an
article, entry, story, etc.
article, entry, story, etc.
Each of the feature articles was excellent, as was the Best British Commonwealth (United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, etc.) Sites on the Net compilation.
This magazine reviews every book, CDROM or other media submitted for review, and there are a wealth of new books available for localities and surnames. The Bureau of Missing Ancestors is always intriguing - everyone has elusive ancestors - these queries are free, as I pointed out here (but my query hasn't appeared yet).
The neat thing with the PDF version of this magazine is that the reader can Find a surname or locality mentioned in the magazine quickly.
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