Monday, October 20, 2008

Are Bloglines problems fixed?

DearMYRTLE posted today that recently Bloglines was not pulling information from thousands of blogs.

I have used Bloglines for a long time to read my favorite genealogy blogs efficiently over the past two years. I love the convenience of using Bloglines.

I too noticed that Bloglines was "constipated" for almost three weeks. About 30 of the 350 blogs I subscribe to were not coming through (Bloglines conveniently shows a red ! for those not coming through). Genea-Musings and The Geneaholic were not coming through, and footnoteMaven, Shades of the Departed, and many other genealogy blogs (and my favorite baseball blog) were not either.

Yesterday, I noticed that several of the constipated blogs (on Bloglines, not the blogs themselves) were starting to show up, and by last night my own blogs, and fM's and others too, were showing up, often with 10 to 25 posts (Bloglines now had diarrhea, I guess). This morning, there are only three on my list of 350 that are still constipated.

Hopefully, the Bloglines problems are fixed.

DearMYRTLE uses Google Reader as a backup for Bloglines. I have added about 15 blogs to my Google Reader, and dread putting over 300 more on that list if Bloglines continues to have problems. I much prefer Bloglines as far as reading blogs efficiently.


Becky Wiseman said...

Randy, you can Import the blogs you are reading from Bloglines to the Google Reader. It's easy, I did it!

Open Google Reader, go to the "settings" tab and select the Import/Export option. On that page, there is a link to info on importing from another reader.

Louis Kessler said...

Yes. RSS has OMPL files to transfer feed information between Feed Readers, just like genealogy software have GEDCOM.