There's a twist, however. The readers should respond: How good are you at separating fact from fiction? Check out these stories and make your guess as a comment on the author's blog.

Twenty one talented genea-bloggers submitted articles - mine was The Haunted Whaley House in San Diego. Of course, I flouted the explicit directions and wrote the story about my progeny's ancestor and not about my ancestors. Oh well, I used to follow directions really well! So what do you think - is my story true or false?
The topic for the next Carnival of Genealogy is: Politics and Our Ancestors. The next edition of the COG will be published on Election Day in the U.S. (November 4). So it's the perfect time to research and reflect on what we know (or can find out) about our family members' involvement with the election process. Did one of your ancestors run for office? Who was President when your immigrant ancestors first set foot on American (Canadian, Australian, etc.) shores? What do you know about your grandparents' voting record? Which of your ancestors was first eligible to vote? Do you have any suffragettes on your family tree? What did the electoral process mean to your ancestors? Do you have a personal Election Day memory you'd like to share? Think about it, write about it, and submit it for the next COG! The deadline for submissions is November 1.
Submit your blog article to the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
Hmmm, I just added this to my lengthy to-do list for the early part of this week. We leave on Wednesday for our two week vacation, and my deadline for a story is 21 October. Maybe I'll be the first submission to the Carnival! I always wanted to be #1. Just watch someone beat me to it.
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