I scanned my grandfather's (Lyle L. Carringer, 1891-1976) "Snapshots" album on Sunday during Scanfest. The photos were from about 1910 to about 1925, and were pasted onto black paper in the album. The album pages are somewhat moth-eaten around the edges and many pages were loose. I decided to take out all of the pages so that I could scan them. There are quite a few blank spots on the pages where someone has removed other photographs. I've seen many loose photos in my collection with "black paper" on the back that were probably in the album at one time.
Here is one of the photographs from the collection.

I have very few pictures of my grandfather smiling. I remember him as a happy, contented and loving man, but I don't remember seeing him smile much. I believe that this picture was taken on his wedding day, 19 June 1918, in the garden at his home at 2105 30th Street in San Diego. I am so happy that he was happy on this day - he was a loving husband to Emily Kemp Auble throughout their lives - a wonderful example to his daughter and grandsons.
The picture below is from album as it was scanned.
Lyle's picture is on the bottom of this page. Who is the guy on the top of the page? I think it's David Devier Smith (1863-1920) - the brother of Della (Smith) Carringer, and the only son of Devier and Abigail (Vaux) Smith.
After scanning the album pages as TIFF files (often 15-25 mb each in size at 300 dpi), I rotated (as required) and cropped (as required) each picture and saved tham as JPG files (resulting in 400-600 kb files). Some of the photos had short labels on the bottom edge, and a few had information on the back of them. I tried to add names, dates and locations to the JPG photos when I saved them.
I had forgotten that I had this album - I found it while looking for the envelope of cemetery pictures in the two boxes of loose photographs that I've collected since about 2000 (the last year I put photographs in the "magnetic" albums). Hmm - next Scanfest, I really should start on the "magnetic" albums. But there are so many more loose photos to scan! Then to organize them into useful digital albums and slide shows to save them for posterity. It's a lifetime of work, I think!
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