1) Go to your My Pictures folder (or the equivalent) and pick out the 6th item in that folder. Then pick out the 6th item in that folder, and so forth, until you get to an actual picture.
2) Post that picture to your blog with an explanation of what the picture depicts, including place and date.
3) If you don't have a blog, then start one, um, no -- make a comment to this post describing your picture.
Here is my 6th item: My Documents>My Pictures>2006>2006-06june>DSCN0057.JPG on my desktop computer:
This photograph was taken in June 2006 by my wife in the family room of our home in Chula Vista. This is my 4 month old grandson Logan playing patty cake for some reason - he probably sees food somewhere. Or maybe he's watching TV - probably a Fox News info-babe.
I wonder how many naked baby shots we'll get playing this?
A screenshot I made of a folder with some icons in it. Some boring stuff I intend to write about.
Hi - That was fun! Love your blog - I'm learning a lot from you. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and updates on available websites!!!!!! Very much appreciated. Terri
I finally got chance to play along!
I thought about skewing my results for the naked baby pic but in the end I guess I'm just not a rule breaker. Maybe that will be a future carnival topic! My post is here.
My 6th is a photo full of unknown folks
6th of the 6th
What an ADORABLE grandson you have!!
This is such a fun game! I am so happy that I got to play along.
i am looking on yahoo, came to your post, i read couple of your post very nice.
hoping to read more such post in future.
But there is not any such information about it. foreign b2b marketplace
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